I wish John Thune would just go away and take the PUkeC’s with him

Ironic Johnny is at it again, saying one thing in DC and another at home;

Sen. John Thune did not support the stimulus package but does back Lewis & Clark.


“Although I did not support the stimulus spending bill because of its size and the fact that very little of the funding was truly stimulative, I did support alternative proposals that would have provided important infrastructure funding. Without a doubt, funding for infrastructure creates jobs and has long-term benefits. … As a longtime advocate for this project, I know this money will no doubt expedite that progress and bring water to areas in need,” Thune said.

“Because there is one thing I have learned about being an ass-kissing hypocritical Republican, you really can have it both ways without the voters even knowing.”


And South Dakota’s up and coming Republican ginger doesn’t help matters when it comes to the rhetoric;

“First off, we want to advocate smart policy coming out of Capitol Hill,” state PUC chairman Dusty Johnson said of the report. “The way cap-and-trade policy is being presented now, South Dakota residents could see a 48 percent increase in their bills, but there’s all kind of tweaks that can be made to ease the impact on South Dakota.”

Because energy costs haven’t gone up that much in the last 6 years? Give me a break. My electric bill has almost doubled in the past 4 years and my gas bill has gone up about 30%. Why. Because we are not looking for green energy solutions. Stop spreading the BS. Cap and trade will increase our energy bills for a few years, then they will start dropping. It’s an investment and it should be sold to the American people that way. Not more FEAR & SMEAR.

Okay, this is my last post about the teabaggers, because I’m starting to get a sideache

I’m still confused about this whole event. So these people showed up to protest their tax cut they got last month? Or were they there to complain about all the Federal dollars we got for Lewis & Clark and our state’s roads? Can some clarify this for me?

Voicing a broad dissatisfaction with the federal government, thousands of protesters gathered with signs, props and costumes Wednesday at Terrace Park in Sioux Falls as part of a national demonstration on tax day.

people dressed like colonists pitched tea chests labeled TARP, Stimulus and Socialized Medicine into the water.

I wonder if they realize TARP started under a veil of secrecy in the previous administration. Why did they wait until after the election to protest TARP? A couple of months too late if you ask me. Socialized medicine? When did Obama sign that legislation? Because if he has, I’m cancelling my health insurance.

“For me, this is the beginning. I hope it will mushroom and get better. I’m not going to stop at this rally.”

Yes, because if neo-cons are known for one thing, it’s their staying power, especially when it comes to protesting.

High spirits prevailed as speeches gave way to a re-enactment of the Boston Tea Party, and the crowd chanted “Drop that tea,” as each of the symbolic chests was tossed into choppy Covell Lake.

“Like, Stephen, Like, I’m ready, please DROP THE TEA. AGAIN, AGAIN! OH, OH, OH, THAT’S SO HOTTTT!”

Unruh said the event was planned only in the past month, and enthusiasm snowballed at each organization meeting.

“And it doesn’t hurt that I’m the biggest media whore in Sioux Falls, telling anybody that will listen that I hate Obama, uh, I mean, uh taxes.”

Protesters even threw what appeared to be a box of tea bags toward the White House, causing a brief lockdown at the compound.

Ewww. Scary. That’ll show em’ who is boss.

Nationally, the tea parties were promoted by FreedomWorks, a conservative nonprofit advocacy group based in Washington and led by former Republican House Majority Leader Dick Armey of Texas, who now is a lobbyist.

But, it was a Non-Partisan event. I would have loved to walk around and try to find at least one person who voted for Obama in the crowd. Or for that matter at least one minority.

Organizers said the movement developed through online social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter and through exposure on Fox News.

Yes, because that is the MSM’s job, promoting right-wing nuttiness.

While FreedomWorks insisted the rallies were nonpartisan, they have been seized on by many prominent Republicans who view them as a promising way for the party to reclaim its momentum.

If you are trying to build momemtum for the Republican party while putting down the other party’s policies, how is that nonpartisan? F’cking idiots.

In Sioux Falls, Unruh and Jason Folkerts, the Tea Party master of ceremonies, stressed the event was not political or affiliated with any party.

Unruh and Jason Folkerts, nonpartisan and non-political?! Excuse me while I go throw up.

One of the themes that speakers who were dressed as prominent leaders ranging from Patrick Henry to Ronald Reagan

I wonder if the Reagan character was promoting Reagan’s 50% tax rate on the rich?

who wore a sign pinned to the front of her coat that said, “Obama Is Stealing My Future.”

Hey, I thought this was a nonpartisan event? Where’s the “I thank God everyday that Palin wasn’t elected” signs?

As the program got under way, a Lincoln High School drum line and choir played. However, Unruh insisted the public school students “weren’t making a political statement. They were just here to sing God Bless America. If you can’t do that in this country, something’s wrong.”

So you don’t have a problem with your property tax money being spent on a clearly political event? Hypocrite.

Laura Larson’s pot- bellied pig Daisy also posed for photos, somewhat reluctantly, with people attending the Tea Party.

 “Daisy’s here to help Dr. Unruh,” Larson said.

What? Is the pig better at cracking backs did Allen is?

“This Country Wasn’t Founded by the Funding Fathers,” it read.

Nope. Just a bunch of radical, liberal deists.

Unruh said. “It’s time for leadership to listen to the people.”

Just like Bush did?


ALSO READ ABOUT THE EVENT IN RAPID CITY and watch the video of Sen. Gordon “Conflict of Interest” Howie cry about taxes.

During the speeches in Spearfish, a motorist drove by and shouted an obscenity to the tea-party crowd. Demonstrators Phyllis Brewer and Rachel Bowman of Belle Fourche heard it.

“I’m sad for them,” Brewer said. “They obviously are clueless. If you are an American and you don’t realize this country is in trouble, there’s something wrong.”

You are obviously clueless if it took you EIGHT LONG YEARS to realize our country is in trouble.

A Gallop Poll last night said that 61% of Americans think their Federal Income Taxes are fair.

I thought it was a protest not a municipal band concert?

KELO: http://www.keloland.com/_video/_videoplayer_embed.cfm?type=ondemand&VideoFile=041509teapartyweb

KSFY: Imagine that, hundreds of blue hairs showed up. All you have to say is FREE LUNCH and they’ll show up!

ARGUS: http://www.argusleader.com/article/20090415/UPDATES/90415045&referrer=FRONTPAGECAROUSEL

“It was a perfect place. How many cities have a lake in the middle of them?” he asked.
Somewhere between 3,000 and 4,000 leaned against a stiff wind to express a generalized dissatisfaction with the direction of federal government, particularly huge spending and expansion of a government presence in private enterprise and healthc are.

I see the same people who count people at LifeLight helped count people at this event. 4,000?! BAHAHAHAHA!