Doug Lund’s guide to Rock & Roll and why Sherwin Linton worked for KWAT


This is what a rocker looks like – DEAL!

I wish I could work for KWAT instead I work for SQUAT! (Ha, Ha! Get it?)

The band developed quite a following throughout the upper Midwest. Sherwin’s career really took off, though, when he moved to the Twin Cities and formed “The Cotton Kings” after his hit song, “Cotton King” which he recorded in 1966.  Since then, he’s recorded over 25 albums and traveled millions of miles making music. And talk about staying power; in over fifty years as an entertainer, Sherwin Linton has never missed a gig.

So why haven’t I heard of him? I guess I have to start drinking Diet Coke vodkas and hang out with all the rug heads at the Shrine Mosque to learn about Rock & Roll from now on.

Strike 3, Your’e out!


It’s looks like the city of Sioux Falls struckout trying to derail our tax petition;

1) PAID a consultant to mislead us about the constitutionality of the initiative

2) PAID a consultant to mislead us about bond interest rates(a bond they did not ultimately take out, because real people are not dying in floods)

3) Mislead us about the 6 month window and registration date.

According to city charter and ordinance 14-50;

Sec. 14-50.  Requirement of registration with city clerk to precede petition circulation for initiative or referendum in a municipal election.

     Persons seeking to propose an ordinance or resolution shall first register with the city clerk’s office before such petitions are circulated for signatures. Registration shall include the name of the organization, address, contact person, and language of the proposed ordinance or resolution. A copy of the proposed resolution or ordinance will become public when petition circulation effort commences.


There is NOTHING about the 6 month timeline starting on the registration date, it just simply says we must register the petition. So it seems state law and SOS Chris Nelson are correct. No wonder the city attorney’s office is ignoring us. If we attain the 4,800 signatures within a 6 month window we are good to go.


Looks like we are going into extra innings. I hope your’e ready to “play more games” councilor Litz.

South DaCola art club w/Rodin


The best part about the Rodin exhibit at the Pavilion? It’s FREE!

Auguste Rodin’s “The Thinker” is one of 62 of the French sculptor’s works that will be on display May 9 through Aug. 1. Art exhibits of this magnitude are rare in the state, and area students, artists and others celebrated the announcement Tuesday.

This is pretty exciting, even if these pieces are merely casts. I had a chance to see some of Rodin’s work in Atlanta a few years back, cool stuff.

Before the renowned European sculptor died in 1917 he donated his estate to the French government, as well as the right to produce original casts of his sculptures posthumously. On exhibit at the Pavilion’s Visual Arts Center will be castings from his original work.

Gawd, wouldn’t it be great if Sioux Falls had a cast of a sculpture by a great artist . . .
