The ‘truth’ about SF Family Park revealed

Some ‘details’ about the proposed Family Park are being uncovered in this Gargoyle Leader story. Stuff that we suspected all along. What is strange about the story, is how it starts, assuming the city council has already approved the gift from the Soukup family. This is not the case (even though it does have the support of at least 7 councilors);

A new park being developed in western Sioux Falls will be unique to the region by offering trout fishing, city and state officials say.

Eventually, that area could be the site of a residential development, complete with a lake and 100 to 150 houses. That’s at least five years into the future, Soukup said.

Chip Kolb of Tall Prairie Properties owns the land to the immediate east of what will be Family Park.


“I was thinking apartments along the lake,” Kolb said of his development, which he categorized as in its early stages.

So Sioux Falls taxpayers will have to pay for the maintenance of a park so homeowners and apartment dwellers have lakeside property? How much access will the rest of us have to the park if it is surrounded by apartments and houses? I’m not against accepting the gift, but I think the developers and the city should be in a 50/50 partnership for the maintenance of the park. Once again, this suspiciously looks like developers are getting a gigantic handout from taxpayers. Not only are they taking the massive chunk of land off the taxrolls, the developers will be building homes on prime property that will be maintained by the rest of us working stiffs instead of a housing association.

There is something very fishy smelling about this whole deal.



The teabaggers are still moving forward protesting government waste (8 years too late);

Hundreds of people are expected to protest the nation’s growing debt and federal spending practices, including pork-barrel projects, at a re-enactment of the Boston Tea Party on Wednesday in Sioux Falls.


The April 15 rally coincides with the traditional deadline for Americans to file income tax returns with the Internal Revenue Service. It will take place from noon to 1:30 p.m. at Covell Lake at Terrace Park, east of the Arena.

“We’re not having any politicians there,” said Allen Unruh, one of the event’s organizers.

Just a bunch of partisan hacks, like myself . . .

Organizers have ordered 1,000 hot dogs – all beef, no pork – as well as chips and drinks.

A FREE lunch? Is this secretly being organized by the Roosevelt HS Socialist Club?

The message, say event supporters, is this: The national debt surpassed $11 trillion at the end of March, double the amount in January 2000 when George W. Bush took office.

Uh, why weren’t you having these ‘parties’ the past 8 years? Oh that’s right, you were busy throwing Iraq deployment parties instead while strapping (Chinese made) American flags to your car antennas.

Watch Rachel Maddow’s hilarious video on the topic. A lesbian talking about ‘teabagging’ – nothing, I mean nothing, could be funnier.



(NOT you un-Christian fags, liberals, atheists, catholics, anti-patriots, non-smokers, artsy-fartsy artists, baptists, lesbos, non-whites, hippies, gun-haters, Jews, non-chiropracters, Obamamuslims, eskimos, vegetarians,  non-sheep, etc.)

Below are snapshots of our wonderful, enchanting, and traditional EggBert Family Easter Day Christian Celebration – 2009

1)  We all awoke early to the beautiful sunshine of Easter morn,  dressed up in our finest clothes & walked to church to celebrate that, after HE was crucified for OUR sinful natures, our Lord Jesus Christ had indeed Arisen from the Dead – Hallelujah!!!  In church, we read these inspirational words in our pew bibles:  John 3:16 – For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

2) When we all arrived home after church, we spent the rest of the morning hours studying, discussing, & celebrating together the Christian Word:  John 4:11 – Beloved, if God so loved us, we ought also to love one another.

3) After sharing the Christian Word all morning, we continued communing in peace and harmony seeking guidance from the Bible for much of the afternoon holding hands, praying, and worshipping together in Chrisitan Fellowship: 1 John 3:23 – And this is his commandment, That we should believe on the name of his Son Jesus Christ, and love one another, as he gave us commandment.

4) Then, in annual EggBert Family tradition, we sent  the boys (& Neighbor Creamy Nugent’s huntin’ Pooch, Pubes) out back in Granny Gumption’s Garden to chase up some rabbit to castrate so Aunt Bertha could whip up some of her world-famous, delectable “Bertha Bullroar’s Baked, Broiled & Broasted Bunny Balls” for Easter Dinner!

5)  Then after supper, we got big-time drunk, bitched about the Un-Godly Anti-Christians into the wee hours of the night, and then, as family tradition has it, re-enacted Christ’s Crucifixion by beating up our niece/cousin/nephew Nathan Jane with our fists until he/it/she cried bled & wept…


EggBert & The Holy EggBert Family/Neighborhood