Looks like Northside Davey gonna have to star in another campaign commercial for a DEMOCRAT


Do you also like sausage?

Steffy bringing home the bacon water;

Among Herseth Sandlin’s requests:


$35 million for the Lewis & Clark Regional Water System, a project that ultimately will cost $587 million and provide water to communities in South Dakota, Iowa and Minnesota.

I’m confused? I thought Johnson already secured this money for us? I guess that’s what happens when you have a lifelong Republican and lifelong Democrat star in a commercial together, double the bullshit. (During Johnson’s last senate campaign, Mayor Munson praised senator Johnson for all the pork he brought to Sioux Falls. Two of the items were the RR relocation project and Lewis & Clark. But we haven’t received a single penny yet for either project.)

$3.5 million for Minnehaha County to help build Project Safe Home, a 32-unit complex in Sioux Falls that would provide permanent housing to chronically homeless people with severe alcohol addictions.

I see the County and City got the Feds to pony up on helping the homeless. That’s good, so we can free up some of our tax dollars to buy historic million dollar windows and armored vehicles for the Sheriff’s department.

A Transexual from Transylvania? Nope. Rapid City.


Good luck getting a job in Rapid City in that get-up

How week kneed is the Rapid City council  if they can’t even approve a resolution that has no effect on official policy?

The Rapid City Council rejected on Monday a watered-down version of a resolution opposing workplace discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.

The council voted 8-2 against the resolution by Alderwoman Karen Gunderson Olson, which would have stated the city’s support for adding sexual orientation and gender identity — or transgender — to protected classes under federal law.

I can’t image if this resolution was presented by a Sioux Falls city councilor. Quen Be De would go into such a fit she would faint. While councilor Jamison would put on a one actor version of RENT.

It was a statement without effect in policy, but it was too much for the overwhelming majority of council members to accept.

I suggest you spend a night on the dancefloor of the Saloon in Minneapolis – you’ll leart to ‘accept’ a lot of things.

Dale Bartscher, pastoral ministries director for the South Dakota Family Policy Council, said the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution already protects people with different sexual orientations from discrimination. Adding additional protections to gays, lesbians, and bisexual and transgender people isn’t needed and could be harmful, he said.

“I believe it’s a slippery slope once you allow one group special privileges based on behavior. It’s a Pandora’s box,” Bartscher said.

Special privileges?! You mean like equality, something all the rest of us share? Sorry, Dale, but any representative from the SD Family Policy Council isn’t qualified to give advice on gay and lesbian rights. Now go back to protesting abortion.

Martinson said sexual orientation and gender identity aren’t simple behavior, but rather are inherent characteristics that people are born with.

Just like Republicans missing the chromosome that helps the rest of us recognize common sense?

The Fourth Estate failing us in Sioux Falls? Who knew?


Dick being a Dick – What he does best

This letter points out how inept our MSM is in Sioux Falls. Something us bloggers have known for a very, very, long time The Karate Kid rip !

The role of the print media clearly has become something that is at best an embarrassment to the world.

I will try to link the stories below;

1. The South Dakota House and Senate passed a States Sovereignty Resolution HCR 1013, which reasserts the state’s rights under the 10th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

This Resolution is pretty much a middle finger from South Dakota politicians to Federal Politicians.

2. Seymour Hersh reported that the military/CIA was running an executive assassination ring that reported to former Vice President Dick Cheney.

Some in the MSM have actually covered this story. Hersh is usually hit and miss, but if I had to make bets on this story being true, I would bet on it.

3. Baxter International, a company that prepares and distributes flu vaccines, was caught attempting to ship to some 16 countries, vaccines that had been mixed with the live avian flu virus, which would have caused a pandemic. Researchers say that it was impossible for this to have happened accidentally.

One more reason why I don’t get a flu shot, eat peanut butter, or play frisbee golf.

4. The U.S. House of Representatives and then the U.S. Senate passed a national draft or national compulsory service bill.

This legislation is long overdue. The letter writer would like you to think that this create a ‘Nazi Youth’ in our country, but quite the contrary.

Who need the Gargoyle Leader and Stormland TV when you have the Googles!

Bulletproof Monk release

Need to kill some time? Run for the Sioux Falls School Board


This race looks about as exciting as watching paint dry;

Three candidates will vie for two seats on the Sioux Falls School Board during next month’s election.


Board President Darin Daby is seeking re-election to a second term May 12.


“I think I’ve learned a bunch over the last three years, and think I can offer even more over the next three years,” said Daby, a 44-year-old private banker at U.S. Bank.

Parker, 35, works as a research specialist for the Department of Health. She has an undergraduate degree in education and a graduate school degree in public administration.

Married with two sons, ages 4 and 1, Parker has a particular interest in early childhood education.


“I think that’s going to be very important down the road,” she said. “I certainly think it’s something we as a community need to strive for.”

Deitschman, 39, is a senior paramedic at Rural/Metro Ambulance and a substitute teacher for the district.


He is married with three children: a high school graduate and one each in middle and elementary school. He said his varied experiences with the district would benefit the school board.

If I voted today, I would pick Daby and Deitschman. Hopefully more people would throw their hat in the ring.