I finally trimmed the CITY OWNED tree ON THEIR PROPERTY this past Friday, but the fun isn’t over yet. It only took me 20 minutes to cut down the branches, but it took me almost 2 hours just to move the branches to my backyard where I have begun breaking them down for disposal, which I estimate will take me another 3-4 hours.

So I’m still puzzled why I have to do this for the city? What do I pay taxes for? Football fields? Swimming Pools? Windows on the Pavilion? or do I pay taxes so the city can maintain WHAT THEY OWN. Besides the expense of a chainsaw I also will a lot of my own time into doing the CITY’s WORK. Ms. Stehly has coined this as a TREE TAX because if you are not being taxed by wasting your own time on trimming these trees you will be forced into paying an arborist $75-$150 an hour. That’s right, the city is in the business of promotiong tree trimmers. So now NOT only are they NOT using my tax money to do THEIR work, they are using my tax dollars to force us into using a private contractor.

As I have always said, the City of Sioux Falls motto “Special interests first – Citizens Second”

WATCH THERESA RIP THEM A NEW ONE LAST NIGHT. (April 6 Council meeting) (Also listen to the second speaker after that, Allen Unruh talks about his pet pig)

Quote of the day

I have been on the fence about a lot of Obama’s decisions lately, but I still think he a dynamic individual and has been handed a big shit sandwich – and we are only at 70 days! But he impressed me yesterday with this statement, it reminded me that it has been a very long time since a politician said something truthful;

Obama said “one of the great strengths of the United States” is that it does not consider itself “a Christian nation or a Jewish nation or a Muslim nation. We consider ourselves a nation of citizens who are bound by ideals and a set of values. I think modern Turkey was founded with a similar set of principles.”

And I think Franklin, Washington, Jefferson and Hamilton would agree.

Johnson takes payola from pay-day loan lobbyists


One more reason why I have trouble supporting the Democratic party and their candidates. They continue to take money from lobbying groups that are bad for society. And Tim Johnson is no exception, taking money from one of the most crooked (legal) groups, Pay day loan centers;

A newer player representing Internet payday lenders — a growing segment of the market — also ramped up its lobbying and political giving efforts. The Online Lenders Alliance, formed in 2005, nearly quintupled, to $480,000, its lobbying expenditures from 2007 and 2008. It contributed $108,400 to candidates in advance of the 2008 elections compared to about $2,000 in the 2006 contests. Gutierrez was among the top House recipients, getting $4,600, and the top Senate recipient was Sen. Tim Johnson, D-S.D., a Banking Committee member who got $6,900.

Of course, this is no surprise, but extremely disappointing considering the economy and the devasting affect these places have on lower income families, especially in South Dakota. Johnson should have known better.

Using professional services instead of employees saves the city money? BAHAHAHAH!

In some circumstances, I would agree, but we know what kind of love affair this mayor and department heads have with consultants and special interests. I hope the next mayor cleans house.

The Gargoyle Leader does a story on the City’s professional services expenditures. See my coverage of the story and the actual audit here.

Staggers said one item in particular concerned him.


The city has paid nearly $400,000 in the last three years to Advanced Engineering and Environmental Services Inc., a North Dakota firm that has done water rate studies for the city. The city conducted a rate study several years ago concluding that Sioux Falls needed major rate increases over the next several years.

You have to pay someone $400,000 to tell you the percentage you should increase water rates? Give me $100, a calculator and 20 minutes and I could give you the answer. Talk about a prime example of the kind of waste that comes out of city hall.

Being the good soldier he is though, Mark Cotter defends the expense;


Mark Cotter, the city’s director of public works, said the firm does more work for the city than just rate studies. Cotter also said the use of outside consultants is cost effective for taxpayers. The city can tap experts in niche fields for specialized work.

“After that,” Cotter said, “you don’t have to have them on your payroll.”

Considering analyists in Sioux Falls make about $50,000 a year they consider it a waste to taxpayers to have someone like that on the payroll for 8 years? Whatever.

I also found it ironic that the Gargoyle decided to wait a week to print the story under the fold on a Monday, with no links or graphs. I’m sure it had nothing to do with this figure;

Publishing Budgeted for 2009: $297,240

Obviously the Gargoyle doesn’t get all of that money, but they do get a nice chunk.