Another Blizzard of the Century


Here we go again. Stormland TV wants to tell us fine South Dakotans about the dangers of snow and wind (something they call a blizzard, I guess, who knew?), and they do it in about 4-5 different ‘computer models’ with one model giving us 10+ inches and the other just rain. But of course it all has to do with the ‘temperature’ and when it changes.

No shit Sherlock. You mean as it gets colder rain changes to snow? Get the F’ck outta here! I thought maybe little snow elves decided when to make snow.

Enough already. Please simplify the forecast and move one to REAL NEWS. Let me help you;

Sioux Falls Saturday Forecast

Morning rain changing to snow by afternoon. 1-12″ inches possible by Sunday morning.

How fricking easy was that?

Ironic? Isn’t it?


Would you give this face an anal lick?

Funny that a guy who takes Viagra on an all men’s golfing trip would want to warn the British Prime Minister about the dangers of anal licking and sex. Do you know something we don’t Rush?

Limbaugh: The slobbering, the slobbering, this guy folks— I’m telling you. If he keeps this up throughout the G-20, Gordon Brown will come down with anal poisoning and may die from it.

Keep digging that hole, GOP.

New Bistro Downtown? Sounds cool

Being the city government nerd I am, I watch all the meetings. The last one was the planning commission meeting. At the end of the meeting they approved a conditional use permit for a new restaurant in the old location of the House of Soccer, formerly a taco joint, formerly a Brazilian joint, formerly the Hamburger Shop (best damn Wisconsin cheese soup in the world).

Rick Weiland’s wife Stacy Newcomb will be running the joint. Stacy heads up the State Theatre restoration project. I’m sure it will be a class joint. Rick and his wife are great people.

A motion was made by Meredith Larson and seconded by Kent Metzger to approve with the following conditions:
1.   Approval for this applicant only.
2.   A security management plan to be approved by the Police Department.
3.   Any proposed outdoor seating as related to the restaurant use will require review and approval by the City Planning Office
Motion Passed 8 – 0.