The tale of the reoccurring collapsing roof


One more reason not to shop at Wally World;

For the third time in three years, rooftop blizzard burdens have closed the Spearfish Wal-Mart. This time, however, the roof did not collapse.

Officials are concerned because the weight of the snow is more than double what the city building inspector and company engineers consider a safe load for roof supports.

You’d think they would have it fixed by now? Isn’t it ironic that the store that sells junk that breaks when you get it home (main reason I don’t shop there) has a roof that keeps breaking or has the threat of breaking?

Obama’s online townhall meeting


Maybe our esteemed governor and state representatives should do something like this . . . wait, the only Republican in the state that understands internet technology is Pat Powers (And he’s really a closet Democrat). Nevermind.

Now, in the 21st century, President Obama has found his own fireside equivalent, launching an online town hall meeting Thursday where he will answer citizens’ questions about the troubled economy and his efforts to fix it.

“We’re going to try something a little different. We are going to take advantage of the Internet to bring all of you to the White House to talk about the economy,” he says in an introductory video on the site.

Temporarily closing the city bike trail may save us from the Apocalypse


Apparently the Four Horseman could be riding in on the Big Sioux Creek, but don’t expect them to be on bikes.

I see city officials are sharing talking points when it comes to levees, floods, and spending Federal money;

Sam Trebilcock, a city transportation planner, said the trail will close from 49th Street to the dam just north of where the river and creek meet northeast of 26th Street for a city flood control project to raise the levees by 5 feet and build a dam.

“You know very well what happens in the news if we don’t do that,” Trebilcock said. “Grand Forks happens. What happened in huge catastrophic (quantities) in New Orleans happens if you don’t have a good levee system.”

First off, Sammy, Sioux Falls isn’t a soup bowl sitting below sea level. In fact you and I both know the real reason why the levees are getting built; an overly paranoid FEMA after Katrina started running around the country like a chicken with their heads cut off. Secondly, several studies have shown Sioux Falls is experiencing a moderate drought, and everyone knows we have low water tables here. I find it ironic that the same city that is begging the Feds for money to build the Lewis and Clark water pipeline (That we have borrowed millions to build, well because, we don’t have much water in Sioux Falls) would be going to the same Feds to ask for money for our levees.

Does Sioux Falls have the potential to flood? Sure, and precautions should be taken, but don’t act like it is the end of the world and cut the crap.