There was a press conference last night?


I got busy painting and totally forgot about this press conference. So I am going to hobble thru this the best I can;

“It took many years and many failures to lead us here. And it will take many months and many different solutions to lead us out. There are no quick fixes, and there are no silver bullets,” he said.

Can you say ‘Ronald Reagan’?

“We’ll recover from this recession, but it will take time, it will take patience, and it will take an understanding that, when we all work together, when each of us looks beyond our own short-term interest to the wider set of obligations we have towards each other, that’s when we succeed,” he said.

See, that’s what wealthy, greedy, conservatives don’t understand – working together. Last I checked, this country belongs to all of us, we all chip in and we all reap the rewards of prosperity. That’s not socialism – that’s common sense.

What!? No Bikey.

I just noticed this tidbit of information;

Sioux Falls is going to close down the bike trail at the 41st area to the Great Plains Zoo area until 2010 with no alternate routes. This is not acceptable. We still have to chance to voice our opinions and concerns. The Snakebite will be speaking. I hope you all can dress in cycling garb and attend the meeting.

Please attend the meeting this Wednesday, 5-6:30 at the Oyate Community Center, 2421 W. 15th Street – next to Garfield Elementary.

Please attend the meeting if you can. I agree this is unacceptable. As you may or may not know, that stretch of the bike trail is the only route through that part of town bicyclists can use safely. Kiwanis avenue is two hilly.