If anyone would know about 'inflating' capital, it would be Spitzer

I watched this interview on Sunday, and found it informative. But there was two things I got out of it, and Fareed even posed the question, “Why should we trust a guy who cheated on his wife?”. And secondly, like the Iraq War intelligence thingy, why do all these people come out of the woodwork ‘After the fact’? It’s like the skipper of the Titanic sitting at the bottom of the Atlantic saying to the captain. ‘Told you we shouldn’t have hit that iceberg.’


Gargoyle Leader ‘sorta’ praises the council and Jamison for the economic forum

At least four of these people will be gone in 2010 – I can’t freaking wait.

Isn’t it funny how headlines can be deceiving?

Editorial: Forum on local economy fills a need

Kudos to council member for offering chance to exchange ideas

So I’m expecting the AL to go on and on about the brilliance of the master planner Greg Jamison, then I get to this part of the editorial;

It’s not as though this gathering will effect any immediate change in our economy. It’s not going to answer any of the lingering questions about how long and how deep this recession might be.

Exactly. So what was the point of the meeting again?

But the conversation, the suggestions, the discussion about future needs was productive nonetheless.

What?! You don’t think that business leaders in Sioux Falls are already talking? I hope so. This meeting was all show and no go. Real change occurs when the council and mayor write policy, vote on it and put it into place – not shooting the shit over coffee and rolls. My experience with sitting on boards in Sioux Falls is that all the good (progressive) ideas get thrown out the window and little guy always loses in the end. I do agree the meeting was a good idea in concept, but with anything involving public officials it should have been recorded and put on record, maybe it was, but I have not see it on the city’s website yet. When we talk about real change and accountability we should hold our public officials feet to the fire and put them on public record when they open their mouths and share ideas, even in a open discussion – otherwise, what’s the point?

A great gift idea for Doug Lund

I gotta get my hands on one of these . . .

The St. Paul Saints baseball team is again getting political with its new bobblehead promotion. After giving away presidential-themed souvenirs the last two elections and creating the Bobblefoot — a Larry Craig-inspired bathroom stall toy, complete with a tapping foot — the team is turning its attention to the still-unresolved Minnesota Senate race. The doll, 2,500 of which will be given away at the May 23 game against the Sioux Falls Canaries, will be a two-for-one: Al Franken’s face on one side and Norm Coleman’s on the other. The outfit: That of Sesame Street’s numerically obsessed vampire, The Count. (It’s dubbed the “Re-Count.”)

Of course they will be playing our team – go figure.