Community Forum to Discuss Local Economy

Civic and business leaders will meet in a community forum to generate ideas on how to sustain and possibly boost the local economy.
The meeting will be held from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. on Saturday, March 21, 2009, in the Council Chambers of the Carnegie Town Hall, 235 W. 10th St.
Working together as a community will not only enable us to maintain what is working right for Sioux Falls, but will also allow us to jumpstart our local economy, said City Council Member Greg Jamison, who organized the meeting.
“As a City Council member I wanted to make sure we’re doing everything right to maintain our great community,” he said. “Sioux Falls is better off than a lot of other places in the country.”
Mayor Dave Munson will be present along with representatives from the City Council, city administration, the Sioux Falls Area Chamber of Commerce, the Sioux Falls Development Foundation, the Homebuilders Association of the Sioux Empire, the South Dakota Banking Association, Associated General Contractors of South Dakota, Realtor Association of the Sioux Empire Inc., Downtown Sioux Falls, and others.

The public and other business groups are invited to attend and participate in the discussion.
Contact City Councilor Greg Jamison at 310-1930 for more information.

I think a Forum like this is a great idea, in concept. I don’t have a problem with the groups that were invited but am wondering why community and grassroots groups were not invited to? Like Bread for the World, for example. As usual, our opinion does not count. Maybe they don’t want us doing ‘I told you so’ dance a couple of weeks after the meeting when we are right.
The businesses listed are the same group that lobbied for a second penny tax increase, that’s why I am suspicious. Anytime groups like this get together and share ideas it seems the average taxpayer gets screwed in the end. Their solution to every economic problem is tax us more so they can get freebies and handouts from the city. Most of them are self-serving, especially the Chamber and DT SF.
We’ll see what comes of it, but I will keep my expectations low. I’m just hoping that Carnegie doesn’t get flooded with too many bad ideas on Saturday, remember, real people die in floods and hopefully the bad ideas will too.
I will not be attending, because I will be working on my own economic recovery plan, working at my part-time job.

SF Citizens can no longer ask for advisory opinions

But candidates and possible candidates will be able to ask for legal opinions about possible conflicts they may personally have. (Click on Council meeting, Item #29)

I’m still on the fence about this whole thing. I think that the councilors are shooting themselves in the foot by approving this change. If I were a councilor I would much rather have someone ask an ‘opinion’ about me before I voted on an issue then file a ‘complaint’ after the vote happened. I would think that would be much more embarrassing to have a complaint filed and have major ramifications if the vote was close.

I do agree the advisory opinions should be confidential and not released to the public, just the party’s involved so that it does not become a political football. I think that is a very fair revision.

I guess now councilors can vote on whatever they want without the public questioning their conflicts or motives, they are only allowed to question themselves, that’s convenient, huh?

An Argus reporter wrote about the vote, but it is as clear as mud.

By 2012, Meghan McCain will be a Democrat

The only thing I would change about this bedroom scene is the beer

If the neocons keep up the attacks, they will lose there best hope for a party recovery:

MCCAIN (on MSNBC): And I think there’s an extreme on both parties and I hate extreme. I don’t understand. I have friends that are the most radically conservative and radically liberal people possibly ever and we all get along. We can find a middle ground.

INGRAHAM (mocking): Ok, I was really hoping that I was going to get that role in the Real World, but then I realized that, well, they don’t like plus-sized models. They only like the women who look a certain way. And on this 50th anniversary of Barbie, I really have something to say

I have to be honest, I think Meghan is twenty times hotter than her bird-like mother. I would rather be with a Jayne Mansfield over a skelator Anne Coultor any day.