Crazy Neo-con letter writer is back

And he is mad his hero GW Bush is being picked on;

The letter from Ernest Kroeger was a factual account of President George W. Bush’s eight years of office. This detailed information was long overdue,

Really, I thought it was very timely, just in time to fertilize my lawn with it.

Kroeger did an excellent job of speaking to all the Bush detractors who never gave this man his due despite six years of verbal, ugly disrespect. Some of the name calling and accusatory remarks made about our duly elected president (even though some hard-headed Democrats still question the Florida vote) should have been used for the likes of Pol Pot or the president of Dubai. It’s hard to fathom the mean spirit and cruelty that enters into some people’s thought process.

Respect is earned in my book. I think every single ugly verbal attack on Bush was very well deserved. And remember, the Supreme Court picked Bush in his first term, not the American people.

We pro-life individuals received our personal gift recently from the Obama administration as it was announced that your and my tax money would be used to fund research on all stem cells. 

Don’t worry, I’m sure congress will pass legislation to back up his executive order.

We, the silent majority, need to let our elected officials know they do not represent us when they vote in favor of this legislation.

Silent majority. That one made me laugh. It has been determined in the last two national elections that the country is moderate. Independents have the highest percentage of registered voters in this country with your party coming in dead last at 27%. Last I checked, 27% isn’t a majority.

We cannot give into the evil one.

Shane move

Oh, so it was cruel to rip on a war criminal like Bush, but it is OKAY to tear apart a person who has only been president for 50 days? You are a f’ing hypocrite.

All must continue to pray fervently and battle with those who do not believe life begins at conception

There yah go again, playing God. In fact, maybe you should do that more and write letters less.

The Smoking Ban Boogey Man is rearing his head

Gambling revenue going could go down? Good;

DEADWOOD — Gov. Mike Rounds has refused to say whether he’ll sign the statewide smoking ban now on his desk, but he’s made it clear he has a lot to consider: Business owners’ rights. Public health concerns. The potential effect on Deadwood casinos and statewide video lottery, which funneled a combined $117 million into the state’s coffers last year.

A state economist told senators earlier this month that video lottery revenue could drop 15 to 25 percent if smoking is banned, and other states point to the possibility of casinos posting similar losses.

And I’m still trying to fathom how this is a bad thing? Gambling is a social ill that costs taxpayer’s more in crime and other financial problems than what we make from it. It also is a horrible way to fund government. I see this as a positive.

“A lot of people are saying, ‘We don’t go to Deadwood because of the smoking situation,’” he said. “If you take that away, you’ll now gain a patron.”

And this casino owner is correct. You may actually gain MORE business because of the ban. People who are against the ban use the same old tired arguments. Enough already. Too bad there isn’t a ban on bullshit in Pierre.

Robin Hood: Men in Tights full

What a welfare queen may look like


The guys who drove AIG to the point where they needed your money to survive would like you to know how grateful they are and that they’re spending it wisely to ensure they don’t need any more of your money in the future.

Just kidding. They’re handing out $165 million in bonuses to their derivatives traders – the ones who put them into this situation. For their part, the government is doing everything it can to try and stop these bonuses from being paid. We taxpayers are, after all, the largest shareholder in the company. Surely there’s something we can do , right?

Personally, I’m recording the testimony of AIG’s CEO so I can get some popcorn and watch him squirm. I really hope he tries to defend the bonuses – comedy gold in the making.