And Conservatives wonder why I think they are jackasses

More proof here;

I’ve nothing against “the arts,” as such. I’ve everything against using taxpayer monies to fund them.

I partially agree with that statement. For instance I think it is a crock of shit that the city of Sioux Falls helps fund SculptureWalk, but leaves the public out of crucial decision making, like picking the sculptures that would be on display each year. But I support public funding of the arts when it goes towards education, which most of SD Arts funds do.

We are going to spend chump change (by DC standards) on this,

Yes McFly. The feds match our paltry funds and private donations are in the millions. As the WHO would say, “Call that a bargain, the best I have ever had” (or something like that). It is estimated that arts funding will cost each resident of SD $.78 next year. Whoa Nelly! Talk about Pork!

but we are also going to charge people more for visiting?

Sounds good to me. Think about it –  most public art is enjoyed by tourists. Why shouldn’t they be chipping in? Of course (rich) conservatives think the best way to pay for things in SD is by fining people to eat.

And you wonder why the Conservative brand is turning into one big pile of crap – the lack of ideas and common sense.

JazzFest to cut back on big names this year, but it is still FREE, so STFU!

The Bad Plus will play JF this year, one of my favorite modern jazz groups

I can here the f’ing whiners already, “Who is Elvin Bishop?” Well guess what, it does not matter, he rocks and he is good, and nobody is charging you to see him. So if you don’t like it, pack up your Walmart lawnchair, your ugly fat wife and rug rats and go home, so the rest of us music fans can enjoy it in Peace.

A tough economy meant a $65,000 decline in sponsorships that keep the festival free, said Robert Joyce, executive director of the Sioux Falls Jazz & Blues Society. That put a dent in what was about a $265,000 budget last summer.

Less money meant trimming costs in part by spending less on entertainers, Joyce said, but the festival still has about the same number of bands and quality of performers.

Sorry if I am a little harsh, but I wanted to nip this in the butt early. Every year I hear people bitch about Jazzfest. Only in Sioux Falls would our cheap asses bitch about FREE entertainment.

Sioux Falls is recession proof? My Ass!

When are our local and state lawmakers gonna wakeup? Even our half-ass media is reporting this stuff;

The majority of people who walk into the office of the Minnehaha County Health and Human Services need help paying rent because many have recently lost their jobs.

And good thing for our public school system or some kids would not have a warm place to go during the day;

Addressing chronic homelessness should be a priority when tackling the overall homeless problem, Sioux Falls City Council member Vernon Brown said. Establishing services to help the chronically homeless would free up other agencies to help those families with children who need temporary assistance, he said.

I’ll commend you Vernon for your work on this, but don’t you think it is time to build a fire under the Mayor’s and other councilor’s asses to get this moving a little faster? What’s the holdup? The homeless are not just going to disappear if you keep farting around. You should bring this up every single council and info meeting, you should also tell anyone in the media who will listen. I have found the only way to get things done is to keep the pressure on this isn’t about snowgates or indoor pools, this is serious shit.

Funny thing, city hall is mysteriously quiet about this report. No worries, the Sioux Falls Chamber of Commerce chimed in, and if anyone would know about giving good advice about business and the economy, it would be them (as long as you are buying a membership and support higher taxes on food).

Dave Fleck, Sioux Falls Area Chamber of Commerce board chairman and president of Sioux Falls Construction, noted that Sioux Falls’ unemployment is still well below the national average.

But just keep going out to eat, and everything will be just fine in Sioux Falls.