Ironic Johnny the Hypocrite

I just saw this list and noticed that Mr. Stacking Bill’s 600 miles high made the Omnibus Hypocrites list;

Thune (6 earmarks, $4.3 million)

Funny, how John stomped his feet and voted against the bill yet still found time to put in his own earmarks as if he knew the thing would pass anyway. Then why did you fight it John? To put on a good showing as usual. Oh, but John’s earmarks are nothing when compared to the biggest crybaby about this bill;

McConnell (36 earmarks, $51 million)

Oh, Mitch, if it wasn’t totally obvious that you are lying sack of shit, it would surprise me. But you go on Meet the Press and say things similiar to this;

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) called the spending bill a “missed opportunity” and urged President Obama to veto it. “The bill costs far too much for a government that should be watching every dime,” he said. 

Then turn around and find your hands in the cookie jar. So if you stacked $51 million dollars worth of dimes on top of each other, how many miles would that be?

The Republicans wonder why nobody trusts them anymore. Gee, that’s a tough one.

But if everyone keeps going out to eat, everything will be just fine

From the Sioux Falls Argus Leader;

Sioux Falls unemployment: 4.7 percent

 According to statistics released today by the state Department of Labor, the rate jumped a full percentage point since December, when unemployment was at 3.7 percent. The statewide rate is 4.4 percent, and Rapid City is at 5.1 percent.

 Statistics from before 1990 were not immediately available.

The national unemployment figure for February is 8.1 percent.

Hopefully after seeing these numbers City Hall will wakeup and realize the time is now to make cuts to the 2009 budget, not waiting around for ‘more checks’ as the finance director has indicated. Jumping a full percentage point in one month is not a sign that things are getting better. If we continue to ignore the bad news this is going to end up biting us in the ass.  The tax increase should be revoked also without going to a public vote and all CIP projects that are decorative need to be put on hold and reviewed again in the fall.