SF City government is soooooooooooooo predictable

Just like clockwork, when you question a city department in Sioux Falls, they send out one of there unconstitutional* code enforcement letters. If it wasn’t so pathetic it would be comical.

A few months ago, after addressing (chewing out) the city council one night, I brought up the benefits of the community development loan I received. A few days later I received a letter from the SF community development office that they did not have a copy of my insurance. Who cares?! My bank owns the loan, not the city. They claimed ‘law’ says they have to have it on record. Whatever.

A couple of weeks ago I wrote a letter to the editor about the bloated Parks and Rec budget. Yesterday I received a letter from them informing me that my tree on the blvd (the one the city owns) needed trimming (yeah, because people trim their trees in the middle of winter).

Just like clockwork, the city goes after people who question them. They harrass the very people who put food on their tables and it is digusting. Let’s put it in perspective; it would be like your boss telling you had to learn a new software program and you looked at him and said ‘F’ck You’!

Guess what would happen?

The city departments need to learn they are here to serve the taxpayers-not to screw them. We are your boss – not the mayor.

Figure it out and knock it off.

*(Code enforcement in Sioux Falls violates the 5th Amendment of the US Constitution which addresses ‘Due Process’ and the right to a court trial)

Anti-Smoking Banners don’t have a leg to stand on

I find it extremely comical that the legislators that are against the smoking ban only have a handful of stupid arguments against it. Their main one is crying about revenue lost from liquor and video lottery sales. Hey! This is a good thing, the less people are gambling and drinking, the less they are causing problems. I welcome it. The other ‘strange’ argument is that smoking in bars is the only pleasure working stiffs get. Interesting (Let’s not forget porn and all you can eat buffets). Guess what, these same working stiffs can pick up a 30-pack at the grocery store and go home and drink and smoke, and maybe invite their working stiff friends over. This is also a good thing, less drunk drivers on the road.

The Plagiarist had a toon in the Gargoyle Leader today that I ‘kinda’ understood. I have long known that FolkArts is against a smoking ban (because his crazy Republican friends have told him to be) In his toon he puts ‘the smoker’ in a government zoo, in turn implying government is trying to control us. Lets make it clear, a smoking ban is similiar to a gun ban in courthouses. A smoking ban is simply saying you can’t smoke your cigarettes around people who don’t smoke, it doesn’t take your cigs away or make them illegal. Just like a courthouse ban on guns, which doesn’t take you guns away or make them illegal, it’s about public safety, plain and simple.

Even if you are a state senator who is against a smoking ban because of ‘principles’ you have to be a complete ignorant A-Hole to vote against it. 70-80% of South Dakotans support it.

What part of ‘Representing the Public’ don’t you frickin’ understand?

I predict the ban will pass this week in Pierre and the idiotic debate will be over with.

If you can’t take the heat, get outta the kitchen

Sandy can’t even admit guilt after she is caught red-handed;

State Sen. Sandy Jerstad was fined $413 after pleading no contest to a misdemeanor charge stemming from an accident last month in the parking lot of a Pierre hotel.

A defendant who enters a plea of no contest does not admit guilt but does not fight the charge.

She seems to be blaming ‘Women Drivers’ instead of herself -tsk, tsk Sandy (were you talking on your cellphone when it happened? I see that a lot in Sioux Falls).

“I’m a big target – partly, I believe, because of my gender

She also still is in a state of denial about how lawmakers should be held to a higher standard when it comes to following laws, laws they legislate;

“It amounted to absolutely nothing.”

“It’s absolutely been hellish,” she said of her time in the Legislature since the accident.

Sandy, may I suggest you get thicker skin or resign. I have enountered this a lot going to SF City Council meetings, some politicians seem to think they are immune to criticism when they do something wrong or make poor decisions. No wonder our country is in such a mess, no one wants to take responsibility for their actions anymore. I hope the constituents in her district raise even more HELL about it. As citizens we need to become less apathetic and more critical when dissenting our elected officials instead putting their faces on T-shirts. This is where ‘TRUE CHANGE’ comes from.

Thune; “sorry excuse for a senator”

I could not of said it better myself;

You, as a Republican, must not know your state or even care about its citizens. You served under President George Bush and saw no problem with spending money in Iraq, which was an illegal war, or with giving tax breaks to CEOs or to oilmen.

You are a hypocrite as far as I am concerned. The stimulus package that President Obama is proposing is costly, I agree, but who put this country in this mess? The corrupt government of George Bush and the Republican representatives.

I am sorry that South Dakota has a sorry excuse for a senator. Think about it. You are facing another election.

John, stop being a suckup to your party.