South DaCola

Code Enforcement in Sioux Falls fixed? BAHAHAHAHAHA!

broken sidewalk

Looks like another code enforcement violation, send in the clowns

I find it quite ironic that while Dan Daily is awaiting his verdict in his lawsuit against the city on code enforcement that Mike Cooper comes in front of the city council and says that code enforcement is improving. Give me a f’ing break;

Those unresolved citations then must go through the city attorney’s office, which files the claims in court. Last year, the office filed 41 cases involving 177 citations.

“We are making progress with this new process, but as you can see there are still cases that take time to go through the citation collection,” Cooper said.

Takes time? You ain’t a kidding. When you don’t have constitutional rights on your side, it probably takes a lot of time. It’s time for the city and the court system to stop horsing around and deliver a verdict in the Daily case and put this clusterf’ck code enforcement system to rest, once and for all. What are you waiting for Caldwell? The code enforcement fairy to deliver the verdict? It is pretty obvious who has won this case. What judge takes over 3 months to deliver a verdict in a clearly cut and dry case? Seriously?!

Justice. What is that?

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