Uncle Fester

I think you need to change your idea bulb, Blake

If this is the kind of campaign Dr. Curd is gonna run, he might as well throw in the towel today;

PIERRE – Republican congressional candidate Blake Curd criticized U.S. Rep. Stephanie Herseth Sandlin on Wednesday for a direct-mail piece that Curd said is a blatant campaign flier mailed at taxpayer expense.

“We shouldn’t have taxpayer money going to somebody’s re-election campaign,” he said.

Huh? A sitting US congressperson asking and telling veterans about government services is a campaign flier?

The piece in question, mailed to veterans, touts Herseth Sandlin’s support of higher wages for military personnel, enhanced G.I. Bill benefits and a 10 percent increase in veterans’ health.

While I can see Curd’s point, it is a stretch at best. There is plenty other things to attack Herseth on besides postage fees. Trust me. Do a little more digging Curd, I’m sure you will find a couple of things.

8 Thoughts on “Dr. Blake Curd has a case of Joel Dykstra syndrome

  1. This is what you get when backcracker Dr Al and Leslie are running the campaign.

  2. What is the over under for when Turd will show up at a media conference with his Tea Party outfit?

  3. Speaking of the Unruhs, I saw them having dinner with Pastor(?) DooHickey last night. Too good to be true? I think not.

  4. Wait til it gets out that they are running Curd’s campaign.

  5. Are they? Is that what you heard.

  6. anominous on January 14, 2010 at 7:50 pm said:

    I sent your sighting of our society’s elites to Monsterquest. They said to expect an episode.

  7. I’m trying to figure out who is spiritually advising who in that situation.

  8. Allen Unruh told me on Saturday that ‘He is not’ running Curd’s campaign.

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