South DaCola

Is Sioux Falls Mayoral Candidate Mike ‘Premier’ Huether polling people and asking what would make a good mayor?


You know how the old saying goes, “If you have to ask . . .”

A South DaCola foot soldier sent this to me, and it is of no surprise. I wonder if Mike realizes that being mayor of Sioux Falls isn’t a real prestigious job? It’s a job you would really want, really, really want. Not just to help your buddies (like King Dave has) but to help the regular folk. I wonder if Mike is getting caught up in winning instead of governing? Wanna know what the people of Sioux Falls want? Knock on some doors.

I just received a survey call that eventually revealed itself to be a Huether pollster. It started off sensible enough – I have to hand it to his campaign for that. They asked which candidate I plan to vote for, and the two most important issues. They then went through each candidate, and my feelings for each…along with that same question about the current mayor, council, and a couple of organizations.

I laughed at one point, though, and told the pollster they needed one more choice. The question was where I get my candidate information, and the choices included:

1. Candidate’s websites
2. Candidate’s commercials
3. Billboards
4. Local newspaper and TV news
5 – 7. Can’t recall but very similar press-release outlets.

I told the pollster they needed an eighth category for independent blogs.

It was after this point that it became clear that it was a Huether poll, as I was read a handful of statements from him and asked to rate them from 1 – 10. They concluded with whether these statement made me change my choice to him.

Whatever happened to good old fashioned knocking on doors? What does SF have? 60-70,000 registered voters? Oh, that’s right, one candidate has been doing that for over two years, and guess what, his name isn’t Mike, Pat, Bill or Vernon.

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