South DaCola

It’s okay to launder money as long as you are saving babies?


Another letter writer says ‘screw the law’ as long as we are ‘saving babies.’

I am appalled by the Argus Leader’s continued harassment of state Rep. Roger Hunt to divulge the name of his client who generously gave money to protect unborn babies in South Dakota.

Harrasment? It’s called reporting the news. If anything, the Gargoyle isn’t covering this story enough.

Most of us in South Dakota do not think it is OK to kill babies.

I would think 100% think it is not OK to kill babies, that’s my guess. However, a majority of South Dakotans have voted twice to give women the choice on whether to end a pregnancy. I have said that South Dakotans sometimes vote pro-choice because they are sick of the secrets and lying from the pro-life movement. Maybe if you movement practiced a little honesty and openness, like revealing donor names, more people would take up your cause. I’m just saying.

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