South DaCola

Mike Rounds the ‘do nothing governor’ will try to end his last term in style

By leaving the budget problems to the next governor and legislature. Stay classy Mike;

Rounds has proposed using $32 million in reserve funds to balance the state budget for the year beginning July 1. But the governor has also told lawmakers that the gap between ongoing revenue and spending could grow to more than $100 million in the following year, which begins in July 2011.

That projected budget gap would exceed the remaining reserves. Legislative leaders say any cuts made in the next budget will make the following year’s budget problems easier to solve.

This does not surprise me. The only thing Mike has done during his two terms is reward himself and his friends. But who can blame him? I blame the citizens of SD for #1, re-electing the jackass, #2, allowing him to get away with it #3 allowing the legislators to allow him to get away with it.

Apathy is to blame for our economic struggles, statewide and nationwide.

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