
Isn’t safe, affordable, transparent daycare a ‘Quality of Life’ issue?

Too often the bobblehead rubber stampers at city hall seem to be confused about REAL quality of life issues in our city, the kerfuffle over day care facilitators is proof of this;

The city Health Department continues its practice of inspecting a day care only when a complaint has been made or the office has cause. The registration program is supervised part time by two employees, but there is no specific budget.

That’s not good enough.

Ultimately, it’s parents’ responsibility to investigate the homes of those who’ll be watching their kids. Yet, the city also has a duty to make its day care registration meaningful.

There’s still a long way to go until that happens.

What I don’t understand is that we have millions of dollars for monkey crappers but have no full-time employees or a specific budget to inspect day cares? We constantly hear city hall boast about how Sioux Falls is such a great place to raise a family because of our parks and education system yet we can’t even have a place where parents can go to checkout daycare providers? Pathetic.

5 Thoughts on “Sioux Falls City Hall seems to have a jaded view of ‘Quality of Life’

  1. Ghost of Dude on January 26, 2010 at 7:14 am said:

    Are you taking pictures through my kitchen window?

  2. Who knew duct tape could substitute for daycare?

  3. Costner on January 26, 2010 at 9:03 am said:

    Answer? The same person who determined the amount of time it takes to train a labrador retriever to fetch a beer from the fridge will pay off in spades for years to come.

  4. Ghost of Dude on January 26, 2010 at 1:02 pm said:

    We have a labrador retriever too. You have been looking through my window.

    The dog is an excellent babysitter, BTW.

  5. Plaintiff Guy on January 27, 2010 at 1:53 pm said:

    Judy Buseman is health department director. She’s old and usually sleeping. Once in awhile she wakes to interfere with other department’s business. Expect her replacement if a house lands on her during spring tornados.

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