South DaCola

Teabagger for Governor?


I can’t wait to hear even more quotes from Mr. Howie, here is a little sampling of what we can expect;

“I think I’m getting in right on time,” he said. “I know that we are entering a race where experienced politicians already have a lot of money and organized machines.”

Oh, and they are about 1,00o times smarter then you.

Howie’s speech Friday was short and to the point: He pledged to get government out of people’s lives, and he vowed to protect unborn children. Hunting and the Second Amendment also would be protected in a Howie administration, and he said he would advocate state sovereignty against intrusive federal policies. “I don’t have the financial support of the political elite, but what I do bring is an understanding of what made our country great,” he said.

Guns and anti-choice is what made our country great? The pen is mightier then the sword. I have often said the press had a bigger role in the Revolution then the army did and as for abortion, when are you gonna wake up and realize that a majority of the country is pro-choice?

“I believe there are 600,000 South Dakotans who are unhappy with experienced politicians. If every one of them send me a dollar, I’m already ahead.”

Even if all of your supporters sent you $6,000 a piece you couldn’t hit that number. But hey, he has the teabaggers behind him;

Barb Lindberg, the president of the Citizens for Liberty Tea Party in Rapid City, said the group includes nearly 1,500 people who have diverse viewpoints. She credits Howie with getting the group engaged in local and state government. “We are a force that has to be reckoned with right now when we step into those different arenas,” Lindberg said.

Yeah, you keep drinking that kool-aid, ah, I mean, telling yourself that. Go get’em tiger!

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