South DaCola

The National City Survey for Sioux Falls

See the whole shahbang here.

Nothing really surprised me here. Our parks got high marks. I was actually surprised we didn’t get a 100% rating on that. But since I am a cynical bastard I am always looking for the negatives. While I have said in the past that I find the survey VERY, VERY unscientific (It was mailed twice to 3,000 homes and only 922 people responded) I find the high marks and low marks right on. I have been saying for at least two years our city leaders have wax in their ears and we don’t spend enough money on our roads. Well guess what, the respondents said the same thing;

32% rated our streets in good condition (in other words 68% percent are not really impressed, and since we don’t spend our 2nd penny entirely on them, this should come as no surprise). Besides who has money for roads when the Rhinos at the zoo need 4-Star accomodations.

I think if our public officials are getting an under 50% rating  on listening to citizens, that should be concerning. But I really think they do not care. Fast Forward to April 13th please.

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