Why is the US Chamber of Commerce spending soooooo much money to stick it to the little man?

The top-spending groups on health care reform generally spent about as much lobbying last year as they did in 2008 — with one notable exception. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce stood out not only for consistently outspending other groups, but also for nearly doubling its lobbying spending over the previous year. In the fourth quarter of 2009 alone, the group’s outflows easily topped the amount spent by any other group all year.


3 Thoughts on “U.S. Chamber Dwarfs Other Groups For Health Care Lobbying (H/T – Helga)

  1. The answer is obvious: the US Chamber of Commerce wants to do all it can do to raise business costs (here insurance) and promote outsourcing American jobs in order to maximize profits for a few shareholders and executives.

  2. I always laugh about their opposition to Card Check. They piss and moan that the Union shouldn’t be able to lobby congress for the working man’s rights, but outspend everyone in lobbying congress for the businessman’s rights. It should be called the US Chamber of Hypocrisy.

  3. Ghost of Dude on January 28, 2010 at 9:14 am said:

    Secret ballots insure honesty in elections – any election.

    As to John2’s comment: true dat.

    If we’d just get rid of the minimum wage and allow employers not to offer health insurance to their employees, this country would be a libertarian business utopia – kind of like Somalia, but with more money.

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