This is a pretty kickass story of a small businessman who wasn’t going to be bullied by the big guy. While ‘Hansen’ sodas are very tasty, I have since boycotted them. Read more about the brewery who used the internets and the twitters to tell corporate America to go to hell.


By l3wis

7 thoughts on “‘Vermonster’ takes on the corporate ‘Monster’ and wins”
  1. “and an attorney who claimed over $100,000 in medical deductions for his visits to prostitutes.”


    But your honor, my Johnson needed medical attention.

  2. It’s cost me high 5 figures to fight the city of Sioux Falls. They use home-rule to violate every aspect of the S. Dakota Civil Procedures Act and 2 amendments to the US Constitution. It’s cost them far more but it’s taxpayer money they don’t mind burning. With obstruction, they’ve kept this in court 3 years. In 1 case, they refused service because it was not to the city’s PO Box. All prior service had been accepted at the city hall address. It’s been 4 months since the case concluded with no decision as of yet. I’ll appeal to state court if necessary.

    Constitutional rights are guarranteed but the legal process prevents enforcement.

  3. PG – thanks for bringing this up. I was curious about the verdict. Just wondering, do you think you could call the AG and ask why a verdict is taking so long.

    I think somtin’s going down.

  4. An appointment with the new AG will be sought. First, there must be a decision at the circuit court level. No compensation is asked, only enforcement of state and federal constitutional law.

    City Home-Rule works well provided the mayor is not a narcissist. Absolute power is excessive when citizens are denied constitutional due process.

  5. This morning’s news indicated Vermont has a new secession from the US movement. There is a political party with candidates. I work for the state of Vermont once in awhile. Even state employees are somewhat radical. This could take off.

    Democrats are the minority in South Dakota. Perhaps a “Secession Party” would dilute the vote and get one elected.

    With a democrat as governor, this state might get Obama stimulus money on the scale of Nebraska and come out from budget problems.

    Just saying.

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