
Who has time for those rotten bloggers?

I had to chuckle while reading Yvonne Hawkins ‘column’ in the Gargoyle Leader yesterday, she couldn’t resist to take a cheap shot at bloggers (even though the story had to do with the AL’s poor editing skills). Kinda reminded me of Lalley’s column last week where he couldn’t resist to take a potshot at Staggers about the Event Center, even though, Kermit has been the least vocal person about the topic. I think he has pretty much only said this, “Don’t raise taxes to build it.”

Had Steward showed up solely in the world of the blogosphere, he would’ve been just another fanatic fighting for attention in the din of loud rhetoric.

Am I a fanatic, Hell yeah!


1. a person with an extreme and uncritical enthusiasm or zeal, as in religion or politics.

But without fanatic bloggers like myself, who would keep the MSM in check? Let’s take the Franken Amendment about rape protections for Federal contractors, Thune voted against it. There wasn’t one single story in the South Dakota MSM media besides a short mention in the Rapid City Journal and a couple of letters to the editor in the Gargoyle Leader (with a letter of defense from one of Thune’s unidentified staffers). The National blogosphere was on fire about the vote. Thune even fired back, blaming bloggers for his vote. (which, what he is really saying is, Damn, I’m busted). This is why bloggers are important. Like I said to mayoral candidate Mike Huether, “I make observations and expect my readers to do further digging.” Do I say crazy shit? Sure. But I do it in hopes you will take the time to look into yourself. I get proven wrong on this site everyday, I’m okay with that, it’s called interactive journalism.

I also find it ironic that Yvonne would show her disdain for bloggers. I have provided the AL with several leads on important stories, a few that are still cooking right now. That’s right Yvonne, me the ‘fanatic’ supplying you content. I could go into detail, but I would rather not, the din of self-flattery might be too loud.

By l3wis

6 thoughts on “Are bloggers fanatics? Sure, but without them we would have to depend on for-profit newspapers to give us ‘reliable’ news”
  1. Bloggers will keep us free.

    Media outlets in Sioux Falls rarely address government corruption. Those who are advertising customers are rarely portrayed in a negative tone. Town Hall TV promotions are well rehearsed and screened.

    Bloggers can be ‘out of frame’ but truth aside from propaganda is evident.

  2. L3wis:

    “The National blogosphere was on fire about the vote. Thune even fired back, blaming bloggers for his vote. ”

    No he didn’t. He wondered why Franken would be getting his marching orders from Daily Kos, which by any measure, is extremely Left wing and not based in MN.

    The fanatics, like yourself, were all bent over Thune’s vote on Franken’s puppet show. But the rest of the planet knew exactly what the intent of the Bill was.

    Like I said before, the SD MSM ignored it because all of these people have done exactly what you advocate in your Letter to the Editor many times: they have sat down and talked with Thune on a multitude of issues, face to face. They know the man isn’t in favor of increased sexual violence against women, which was the implication in many of those screaming blogosphere headlines.


    “I get proven wrong on this site everyday, I’m okay with that,”

    You’re welcome.

  3. Fck That. Thune voted against the amendment because it was proposed by a Democrat. End of story. He can make up whatever bullshit he wants about it. Suggesting that bloggers are writing legislation for a Harvard graduate and best-selling author is ludicrous at best.

  4. L3wis:

    “are writing legislation for a Harvard graduate and best-selling author”

    Who ran Air America into the ground even with a pile of Soro’s money. Go watch that Thune/Franken vid on the Health Care bill again. Franken looked and sounded like a complete tool. He might have a shingle and has sold a few books, but that certainly doesn’t make him any less of an idiot.

    Otherwise, you owe Harvard MBA grad Bush and best-selling author Palin a massive apology.

  5. Sy – You really think Franken wrote that amendment because of Daily Kos? Then you are the idiot.

    I think had more to do with a girl that was gang raped, not some stupid blog.

  6. It’s constructive criticism. Are you sure you like each other or do you need to arm wrestle on this one?

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