It was 12 below zero in Pierre on January 9, 2010. I glanced over to see Capitol Lake as exceptionally beautiful this day. so I couldn’t resist stopping to “play photographer.” In those few minutes, my fingers became numb. I had stopped to have a little fun, but stood in silence before leaving with a deeper respect for our great American soldiers. Images by Colette Kessler.




By l3wis

3 thoughts on “Awesome Photos!”
  1. I went to the Vietnam Veterans memorial dedication on the AmLegion bus. The state gave an impressive ceremony. One bad point, they had fireworks at the end. Most fireworks sound like AK-47 fire. You could tell the combat vets because we freaked, bent, and almost hit the dirt.

    In Avatar, Americans got their ass kicked by natives with bows and arrows. The enemy uses prehistoric birds to defeat air supremacy. This has become a pattern (Vietnam, Korea, Panama, soon Iraq, soon Afghanistan).

    Good wins out over evil. This country should take a closer look before becoming involved in far away lands with unaccepting cultures and religions.

    Just Saying.

  2. I agree that Memorial is impressive. I was at that dedication as well, as we donated 5 figures worth of stonework.

    One thing I thought was cool as well, most of that project was donated. But unlike other ceremonies, they only acknoleged the collective effort briefly. They kept the focus where it belonged; on the soldiers and their sacrifce.

  3. It was memorable, a perfect day. I and a friend gave free helicopter ride tickets to 6 year old boy and father who works for the state. I’ll always remember the excited look on this boys face.

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