City Attorney Shawn Tornow has more important things to do then assist the citizenry that pays his wages

Trust me, I have heard the horror stories about attorney Tornow from citizens and city employees alike. I hope the next mayor has the brains to give this guy his walking papers. I find it hard to believe that City Clerk Owen is the one being uncooperative in this matter;

After Tornow and Owen disagreed on whether ballot measures should contain the editing marks indicating how existing law was being changed, and whether the proposal to let the City Council set initiative filing deadlines was written too broadly to be constitutional, a frustrated commissioner Pamela Miller told them “it seems a lot of discussion between your offices goes on right here. I guess I’d appreciate a little more communication between your offices.”

Tornow has gotten quite a reputation for sweeping things under the rug, just ask Dan Daily how times his court case got postponed because Tornow had some lame excuse. I have a feeling that Owen probably tried to get Tornow’s cooperation, but like most requests from the attorney’s office you never hear anything back.

And with no surprise by me, he favors less transparent government;

Owen and former state Rep. Mary Glenski told commissioners that elected officials routinely see the marks in draft ordinances and they would be helpful to voters, too.

But Tornow countered that the marks would be confusing.

“The council is used to dealing with that. Joe Citizen is not,” he said.

Yeah, God forbid they see what the current law is before voting to change it.

Go away Shawn.

By l3wis

4 thoughts on “City attorney Tornow uncooperative? Get outta here.”
  1. He’s a sociopath and narcisist, the ultimate marxist. The city attorney’s office professes that their client is the city not the citizen. Now he speaks of Joe Citizen. Add two-faced to his description.

    He has represented the city in the camera case. He uses Home-Rule for blatant obstruction of justice.

    Where is the real city attorney? If he’s not in a coma somewhere, bring him back from his 12 month Arizona Reflex sponsored golf trip. He’ll not be booted till May and there’s still time to clean up the city attorney’s office.

  2. Interesting City Fact (#16 of 74)
    The assistant city attorney represents the city in legal matters and often acts as city manager. The city attorney is like a city director. It’s honorary and you do not report to work but merely knock down a six figure taxpayer funded salary.

    The council lost the rest of it’s power. The ‘mayor must no longer produce a budget in the form required by the council’. Instead, ‘the council may require additional information’. Even when subpoenaed, the assistant city attorney will not provide information.

  3. (#17 of 74)
    The assistant city attorney’s sick days coincide with dates he should be in court.

    (#18 of 74)
    The assistant city attorney often refers to 1800’s Minnesota Law because South Dakota law clearly states his position is unconstitutional.

    (#19 of 74)
    Despite flagrant obstruction and contempt of court, the assistant city attorney has never been reprimanded.

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