South DaCola

Could the 1% sales tax increase make it out of committee?

What’s the best way to pay for playgrounds for the rich? Tax the shit out of the peasants of course.

Word on the street in Pierre is that it has a very good chance of making it out of committee. This does not surprise me. I guess the committee members have been lobbied pretty hard on the issue. Even if it makes it out of committee I don’t think it will pass the houses, and if it does for some miraculous reason, voters will certainly turn it down in November;

The sales tax bill that could produce a funding source for a new Sioux Falls events center is scheduled for its first hearing today.

House Bill 1198 is scheduled to be heard at 10 a.m. by the House committee on Local Government.

The bill would enable cities to impose a temporary one-cent sales tax for a specific capital project, pending local voter approval.

And it seems Mr. Tax and spend himself will be in Pierre to promote higher taxes, go figure.

A hearing in the House Local Government committee will be held Thursday at 10 a.m. and Mayor Dave Munson plans to testify about the bill. But it’s only the first step in the five-step process of passing the third penny sales tax bill through the legislature.

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