Imagine that, they posted this story and video a day after it aired. Usually the ‘Inside’ programs don’t post for about a week. They are really laying it on thick. I also thought it was ironic that they did not have opponents on the program. Go figure. Correct me if I’m wrong, but doesn’t good journalism require both sides of the story? Why does the media continue to let the Events Center TF say whatever they want to? The plan was flawed on several levels; funding, tenants, economic impact, recession, etc.

By l3wis

10 thoughts on “Inside Stormland TV News continues to be the propaganda wing of City Hall”
  1. I had this email exchange with Kelo on the topic;

    TO: Dunsmoor • FROM: Me

    I am sending you this email, because I trust you. I am extremely
    disappointed in the Inside Keloland story yesterday. There was NO opponents. There should be a debate on this issue. Citizen Cheryl Rath attended every single meeting and took extensive notes, she has said over and over again that there was very little time spent on other funding sources. Mayoral candidates Huether and Staggers are also opposed to the funding source. Why didn’t KELO invite these people on the program? Heck, even me and Dave Syverson would probably be willing to come on and talk about it as citizens. I know you have no control over the programming, but please pass this message along. The citizens
    voice needs to be heard when it comes to the Events Center. I also find the 50 million dollar impact on our community argument laughable, that is exactly the same amount citizens would be taxed yearly under the 3rd penny, so it is basically a wash.

    Ben sent my email to Andrea, the producer of the show;

    FROM: Andrea • TO: Me

    I was the producer for Inside KELOLAND this week and am sorry it
    disappointed you. In producing the first two segments on the Events Center, my intent was to focus on the future of the project and what happens next, more of an informational discussion and update than a debate. That’s why I decided not bring on opponents to the project. As I’m sure you know, we record
    the program as-live, and don’t always know where the conversation will take us. As we were recording, I did realize that some of the questions and subject matter that came up could have used input from the other side. I can assure you, there was no intent to keep opponents from sharing their input, but that, in the future, both sides will be fairly represented. Thank you for your input.

    FROM: Me • TO: Andrea

    Thank you for your response. But as you know, moving forward on the Events Center will take people with ‘other’ ideas. When I talk about ‘opponents’ I am not talking about people opposed to building the Events Center, I am talking about people who are opposed to raising sales taxes to build it. Not only have mayoral candidates Huether and Staggers offered up different ways to build an events center, but I also know that councilors Anderson and Jamison are on the record of pursuing a different funding source. I think it would only be fair to have at least one, or all of these gentlemen on Inside Keloland to discuss their ideas for building a new EC. I wasn’t expecting a debate just different views on how to accomplish building a new events center. This thing will never get built if we keep beating the same sales tax increase dead horse over and over again.

  2. As you can see above, I suggested Dave Syverson or Cheryl Rath. Rath probably has the most extensive note on the meetings and she can disprove the claims that they ‘explored other options.’

  3. Honestly even have me come in, just because I represent all the students who are gonna have to deal with this mess in a couple dozen years when a good amount of the Task Force isn’t here.

  4. I believe the children are our future, teach them well and let them lead the way.

    (BTW, I’m emotionally immature enough to qualify as a child)

  5. I think between l3wis, Sy, CCFlyer, and me, we have a pretty damned good group of people who could give them a good dissenting opinion.
    The current TF seems to have been co-opted by the convention center people without even relaizing it.

  6. Show up with surgical masks and handcuffed together.

    At least they don’t have fake town hall meetings. KissyFi scripts and rehearses these.

    After 50 years of ag commercials, they’ve evolved into a cicle and hammer mentality.

  7. A way to protest their not reporting the side opposing city government is complaint and/or petition to the FCC. Complaints must be addressed before stations can renew their annual license.

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