“I know this microphone doesn’t have a KELO logo on it, but I’m sure it will do.”
By l3wis
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23 thoughts on “Janoct bails again on a mayoral forum”
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Costello flat out lies during the forum;
“We had 18 task force members that had nothing to gain from the plan.”
Pat – Own several restaurants and bars in SF
Jim- Owns a monopoly motorcycle dealership
Steve – owns a steel company
Dana- President of a SF Bank
Give me a break.
I also enjoyed this zinger delivered by Huether;
Costello, who is serving on the events center task force that is studying the feasibility of the idea, said most residents support the task force’s plan.
“No, they don’t. Not even close,” responded candidate Mike Huether, who has criticized the plan and said it needs to be scaled back.
Costello and Brown seem to be living in some kind of dreamworld. One thinks being a ‘reporter’ qualifies them to be Mayor and the other who owns a bar, a burger joint and worked as a CPA for one whopping year thinks that qualifies him to be a mayor.
Kermit’s opening statement says it all though, and the reason why I am voting for him;
“Why do I ask so many questions on the SF city council? . . . Because of my past experience in government . . . besides my experience what is most important is trying to find out the concerns of the citizens, and listening to citizens . . . literally for the past two years I have knocked on the doors of 19,000 citizens, just me, and hey, I get a good idea of what the citizens want.”
I just don’t think Pat, Vernon and Bill have a clue about how to knock on people’s doors. Mike has figured it out. That’s how he was able to deliver that zinger to Pat.
Kermit is hard to hear and understand on this video. He needs to get right on that mic and talk louder.
I also enjoyed this zinger delivered by Huether…
Mike has figured it out…
I take it you would be in full support of huether if anything were to take Kermit out of the running? I would offer this. Be very careful of what you may wish for.
I know huether has “figured out” all the right things to say. But that is rule number one for anybody in the credit card industry. Right now he comes across as way too squeaky clean. His bio tells me something completely different than being the man Joe SixPack wants running our city. Fifteen years at Citi? Do not forget we just went thru an admin with a mayor that came from eighteen years at Citi.
That is strike one against huether. Strike two and strike three sum it all up for me handily…
Over ten years at First Premier Bankcard. Credit card reform came about for a reason. Predatory practices being that reason. Think of ANY of the many reasons these predator CC companies have been forced to find more creative ways to fleece the public. That list is long. Now after thinking of all those predatory practices, be mindful that First Premier led the way in all of them.
Mike Huether has said this.
“Public service, if done correctly, can make a powerful difference in people’s lives. I won a speech contest in the sixth grade about the impact of government on society. I used President Kennedy’s famous line, ‘And so, my fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, but rather ask what you can do for your country.’ I have been hooked ever since.â€
~honest mike
I ask you this l3wis. How can mike make that statement and have worked for a predator for over ten years? For over ten years he worked for a company knowing full well they fleece America’s weakest financial segment of society, and at the same time tells us how he ascribes to John Kennedy’s words?
Sorry l3wis. Not in a million years would this guy ever get my support. Same for petersen…another wolf in sheeps clothing. If something were to happen to Kermit between now and election time, my support would go to Janoct…simply to make the statement the other horses in this race do not measure up.
Knowing what the people want and being able to communicate it is a totally different thing. Kermit has a perception problem. He is NOT perceived as a leader or someone who wants to move SF into the future.
I can give you he has experence and knowledge. Not leadership.
I learned a long time ago there are 3 things needed to get elected- Candidate, money and message. All three are great but you have to have 2 to get elected. Kermit may have one but not 2!
Poly: How can mike make that statement and have worked for a predator for over ten years?
Do you know what position Huether held while working for First Premier or at Citibank before that? I don’t have any knowledge of the guy personally, but it seems unfair to hold his employment history against him until we know all the facts.
Sometimes it is important to remember that positive change comes from within. If you don’t approve of those companies now… imagine how much worse they would be if all the people with internal compasses and high moral codes decided they just couldn’t work for a company that offers high interest rate credit cards or questionable fees.
Again, I don’t know anything about Huether and maybe he was the guy coming up with new creative ways to fleece the public. If that were true then you have a very valid point, but on the other hand if he was senior management of a function like customer service where his only goal was to improve customer satisfaction etc… can you really hold it against him merely because you don’t like his employer?
I should also note that both First Premier and Citi do other things besides offer credit cards. Citibank has a rather large student loan division, they have other financial products, insurance, and other corporate functions all right here in Sioux Falls. FP has their banking side and I’m sure several other functions as well.
Since I don’t know what aspect Huether was associated with, I can’t really hold it against him until I know all the facts. To do so would be like holding Jimmy Fallon accountable for the questionable behavior of a GE executive just because NBC is owned by the GE parent company.
Not saying I would support the guy either way, but if Kermit doesn’t make it to a runoff election and we have a race between Huether and Brown… well I’d like to have enough knowledge of Huether to be able to say whether I would vote for him or not.
Heuther looks good and makes a good impression. However, he’s not impartial and can’t handle less than a big win. He falls to pieces with partial progress or a loss. He’s a leader but not the type we need now.
I view Kermit as a consultant and teacher. I’d trust and follow his advice. He lacks public personna. We need a bull who will use ‘strong mayor’ to restore government of, by, and for the people.
Costello is a crook.
Peterson and Brown are old school. If there’s a conflict, open the events center subject as a diversion. Their makeup is politician/reporter/lawyer simple, open an argument then open another argument … and so on without ever resolving anything.
Sioux Falls needs budget and organizational repairs before there can be a future. It’s important to resolve pending litigation. There should be a post-Munson investigation on where 330 million went. Bid rigging and pocket padding must come to light. There should be judgements against criminal developers. Corrupt city officials must be exposed. Munson, after mayor, will be a subpoenaed witness for years into the future.
I don’t have a choice until someone addresses restoring constitutional democracy. REPEAL HOME RULE.
There used to be only 1 Rapid City lawyer who would go up against the city of Sioux Falls. Now there are more than a dozen. Many are in Sioux Falls.
Lawyers are busy building cases while paper shredders at city hall are working overtime.
After watching the stream last night I thought each candidate had their moments, both good and bad.
Costner makes a valid point, it seems anyone that’s actually run a profitable business or division is branded as a robber baron. Never mind the fact that in reality all they did was operate under a set of rules that they had nothing to do with establishing. A set of rules that is also being changed for purely political reasons by a bunch of people who hate profits as much as Poly does.
I actually thought Peterson did the best job of all of them. His experience is impressive and valid. He addressed his Frankenesque appearance in a humorous and humble way. I like how he handled the “leadership” question by referring to how Heuther once called on him for help. Only one of the group that is willing to say he prefers a downtown EC, I just wish he’d tell us why.
My take on the others:
Vernon: I think he means well, but he comes across as too packaged and too reliant on his media creds. He’s trying a little to hard to reach the millenials, which is a surefire way to drive them away.
Costello: His “golden boy” image might be problematic as the economy continues to slump, even though it shouldn’t. I think he’s got a personal stake in the flawed Event Center Task Force plan. I don’t think he feels his businesses will be affected one way or the other, I think he’s put the time in and comes across as provincial in his support of it. He seems annoyed that folks are wanting to step back and find an alternate.
Kermit: He’s compelling and cerebral, I’ll give him that. His willingness to hit the streets is also impressive. He has the image issue and I don’t think he can help himself from talking to a room full of people as if they were his students. He needs to inject some passion and show some vision if he’s going to overcome that.
Huether: Only one of the group that could claim the “outsider” mantle that could bring him some gold if he exploited it properly. If the big bad wolf is either the City or State Govt. in its current form than he can hit his oppenents from there. He’d sacrifice the nice guy image, but we all know where those guys finish. His take on the EC is too simplistic, as it is much more than simply replacing the Arena. It’s about economic development and that’s the only way it can be pitched effectively.
He did score the most memorable line with his lamentation of our concert lineup. Problem was he may have torked off the Janitor Bob fans like Angry Guy.
Oh and as for Janoct: if you don’t take your own campaign serious how do you expect anyone else to?
First Premier has two divisions. First Premier Bank and Premier Bankcard. The predatory tentacle is Premier Bankcard. Premier has over 3200 employees. The vast majority in the predator tentacle…the bankcard division. Also the home of Mike Huether. His job, among others, was leading the development efforts in marketing their Bankcard. Their flagship bankcard is the fee harvesting card. To believe an executive VP might just be an innocent bean counter in a sleaze operation is nothing short of gullibility.
A set of rules that is also being changed for purely political reasons by a bunch of people who hate profits as much as Poly does.
I got no problem with profits or money. Afterall, that is the vehicle that allows me to do what I choose in life, or post on this forum free of a J-O-B.
We’ve read each others posts for years now so you no doubt are well aware of the predatory practices of Premier Bankcard. Those practices, or at least the offensive ones, have been turned back because it is just morally right. We can go over each and rehash old stuff, but we know what those issues were, so why bother.
PS. Some good news Sy. No more quarterly tests. Two years into tests and everything looks good enough to only have semi-annual scans. And in two more years…disease free, and no more scans.
Poly: To believe an executive VP might just be an innocent bean counter in a sleaze operation is nothing short of gullibility.
I wasn’t aware of which division he worked for or his position. If what you say is accurate than yes that does change things although Sy does have a point… they are merely operating in the environment that has been created for them.
I don’t like FP’s business practicies pertaining to fee harvesting, but at the same time I place at least 80% of the responsibility for it happening upon those who sign up to use their products. In some cases they might be offering cards to those with damaged credit who weren’t able to obtain them anywhere else, so $300 worth of fees is probably a small price to pay if it means rebuilding credit. On the other hand if people are signing up for a card and not reading the fine print… I’m not holding that against an employee of the company who issued the card.
I’m just sayin’. CARD Act or not… human behavior isn’t likely to change. People who can’t afford it will continue to make bad financial decisions, and companies will continue to offer products and services that they know are profitable.
“Problem was he may have torked off the Janitor Bob fans like Angry Guy.” ~SyTFU
Nice troll, loser. Did you miss me or something?
“~SyTFU Nice troll, loser. Did you miss me or something?”
Hooked you enough to prove my point for me, didn’t I?
Fukin’ A, I’m awesome. Maybe I should run for mayor.
“PS. Some good news Sy. No more quarterly tests. Two years into tests and everything looks good enough to only have semi-annual scans. And in two more years…disease free, and no more scans.”
Fukin’ A that’s awesome…even moreso than me. I was wondering how he’s been. Thanks for the update.
That is the main reason why I would never vote for Mike, his previous experience with FP and CB. I also take issue with his reasons for wanting to be mayor, he seems to think running a campaign is like running a marathon (as seen on KDLT). Big difference. When you win a marathon you get a medal and go home. When you win the mayor’s race, the real work begins. I really think Kermit is the only one qualified to hit the ground running with no hiccups. I just don’t think the other candidates get it.
I actually thought the Journey/Janitor Bob quote was the highlight of the Argus story. I still wouldn’t vote for him, though.
The live feed from the forum was spotty. But to me, Peterson came off as angry, Staggers came off as smart but inaudible, Huether came off as the best candidate, and Costello and Brown-nose came off as entitled douchebags. If brown is trying to reach out to millenials, which I suppose I am, he failed. He should stick to little old ladies.
This whole pass the mic, $200 dollar digital camcorder bullshit is getting old. Our newspaper is the only one in the largest city in SD and they can’t mic every candidate and have HD coverage and zoom in? Really. No wonder we can’t attract jobs for young professionals
The way newspapers are hurting I’m surprised they didn’t film it with a cell phone camera and tell everyone to talk really loud.
It is really stupid. They can’t drop 2 grand and get a decent camera? Seriously!
I dropped my Argus subscription today. You pay to Los Angeles. I need a paper that’s here and conscious of this area. One that reports corruption without editing for local power and wealth. A people’s newspaper, not a supermarket tabloid.
I canceled Saturday when there wasn’t anything about the earthquake in Chile and I thought ‘Maybe 10E by Thursday.