9 Thoughts on “OPEN THREAD

  1. Plaintiff Guy on February 1, 2010 at 3:58 pm said:

    Someone lost a bet that Costello will win the mayor’s race.

  2. Angry Guy on February 1, 2010 at 6:02 pm said:

    I fell flat on my stupid ass in the driveway earlier today. I blame the economy.

  3. I’m sure it has nothing to do with you walking like a caveman.

  4. Angry Guy on February 1, 2010 at 10:01 pm said:

    I think if I hadn’t been wearing my flip flops, I might not have gotten the height that I did. My life flashed before my eyes, but my first thought after impact was, “I hope no one saw that” my second thought was “at least now I don’t have to finish shoveling”. Don’t worry though… I finished shoveling.

  5. Angry Guy on February 1, 2010 at 10:04 pm said:

    I would hate to to be the victim of … CODE ENFORCEMENT!
    I hear Rosy “Bull Dyke” Quinn is going to be a code officer with SF City Goon Squad starting in March. How’s that for fitting?

  6. Just as long as she doesn’t put makeup on me like she puts on herself, I will be okay. And don’t you mean “Pitbull Dyke” BAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!

  7. At least Angry Guy blamed the economy and not Bush. I personally, still would have blamed Bush, he was a sneaky motherf’r. Never trust a freemason, those bastards have a pact with the devil!

  8. Owk, you do realize that ‘National Treasure’ was a fictional story and not a documentary, right?

  9. NOT TRUE l3wis, that Dan Brown doesn’t write fiction either and the gov’t set up 9/11. Oh yeah, if you eat pop rocks and soda, your stomach will burst or your anus blows out. I can’t remember which.

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