Sorry, kids, she is retarded, ah, I mean senile
“Senile is the new retard.” – Bluegal
(speaking about Sarhoid Palin)
Listen to the whole Podcast w/ Driftglass
Sorry, kids, she is retarded, ah, I mean senile
(speaking about Sarhoid Palin)
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Only a truly mad person would think vulgarity such as displayed is acceptable. I am disappointed.
How is it vulgar?
Think about it. Retard is no longer accepted as a way to describe people with Down Syndrome? Right? Senile is no longer accepted as a way to describe people who have Dementia or Alzheimers.
I think the word play used here is quite simple, Sarah Palin is not very smart.
And BTW, if you listen to the whole podcast you’ll get how Driftglass explains how the extremists in the party like Palin and Rush are actually pornographic in the language they use, it’s a great analogy.
i think james was talking about the “C” word
I blurred it for those who can’t handle the truth.
Doesn’t your mom read this blog?
I’m sure she has probably heard that word before.
Ah hipster doofuses and thier shirts. You just know some hipster doofus in 30 years will pay $100 for one of those “vintage” shirts to make it look like they bought it at a thrift shop.
Should have just blurred the “C”. Then people would have thought the word was “AUNT”.
Well maybe people that don’t read this website would think that anyway.
I’d like to see this cute little couple show up at one of her appearances wearing those.
She wouldn’t even need Todd to beat the crap out of both of them, who obviously need a good ass kicking.
BTW, I’d reccomend the same if that shirt was aimed at Obama and the blurred word was any number of equalluy offensive ones.
Can’t handle truth? I’m sorry but no matter how much I am angry or otherwise upset with someone I would not resort to name calling, it would be much more intelligent to actually debate them.
Maybe you could all get together sometime and have a mass debating session about it.
It is pretty obvious they wouldn’t dare wear those shirts to a Tea Party Rally and expect to talk about it, but I agree with Sy on this one… they probably need a good ass kicking for thinking they are clever when they resort to insults thinking it makes them somehow superior to the person they are attacking.
The hipster thick glasses don’t help the street cred when the chick is holding a non-eco friendly plastic bottled water either.
Speaking of Tea Parties, I still have respect for the guy who showed up for a rally in Seattle with the sign that said “I shaved my balls for this.”
James, calling someone stupid is not name calling. (I have never called her a retard or a cunt). It’s the truth. She is not smart and the opposite of that word is stupid. A spade is a spade.
“James, calling someone stupid is not name calling.”
Actually it is, especially since her level of intelligence can’t be factually backed up. Do you have proof that she is actually dumber than her peer group of Governors or any other comparable office holders? Have you seen her transcipts, IQ tests, Wonderlic scores? Have you spent a great deal of time with her personally? Or are you going off what other people say or write about her?
Same thing they did to Bush and Reagan. Same thing the idiot “Birthers” tried to do with Obama. Create & repeat a sound byte, hope enough people want it to be true.
That said, stupid is as stupid does. What’s worse, flubbing an interview or trying to pull the Economy out of recession by borrowing and spending trillions more printed dollars on things that are definitively non-Stimulative?
l3wis: “…calling someone stupid is not name calling.”
I beg to differ. If you were to say you find her level of intelligence to be sub-par or that she was not intelligent that is one thing, but the term “stupid” generally denotes more of an insult.
An interesting side note comes into play here if you realize that the terms “idiot”, “imbecile”, and “moron” were all legitimate medical terms used to describe various levels of mental functioning, or as it was once called “retardation”.
So now not only is it considered an insult to call someone an idiot, imbecile, or moron, but it is even worse to call them “retarded”. It is only a matter of time before kids start using the terms “intellectual disability” as an insult at which point we will need to find a new term that someone finds less offensive.
Sort of like how in the UK you can’t call a meat cutter a “butcher” because they don’t like the association with murderers (seriously… I couldn’t make this stuff up if I tried).
She has proven time and time again she is stupid by the things she says and does.
What is it that you find so stupid? I am also curious why you are kicking a dead mule named Palin bashing.
How do you figure? She is not a dead mule, she definately is going to run for president. If Sarah was toast, you wouldn’t hear a peep out of her.
She’s a dead mule because everyone is simply making fun of her, and do you really think the GOP would put her up again? The media is dragging her corpse around because it is good for ratings, remember the Don Henley song? Pretty much what’s going on here.
Ratings? I think most lefties would love to see her go away.
That smart cunt cheated off her hand.
It’s like in the movie ‘Never been Kissed’ when Drew gets her hand stamped with ‘Loser’ and then gets stoned and accidentally imprints her forehead when she passes out. Now that would have been funny to see ‘budget cuts’ on Sarah’s forhead.