South DaCola

What? A letter to the editor that makes sense? Is this the Argus Leader?

This whole thing makes sense;

We should be amazed at the wisdom some of our people have acquired in just the last year or so.

Our Republican members of Congress, along with some of their followers, and the so-called conservative talk-show people now seem to know just what our nation needs and doesn’t need. If only this wisdom had been applied a few years ago when we had a Republican president and Republicans held a majority in congress, we should have a perfect or near-perfect nation.

Recently, after hearing some of the remarks made by these conservatives commentators, I decided to tune in to segments of the programs on Fox News and am appalled to hear such vanity, truth-twisting, lack of civility and petty, childish nitpicking. These people are seemingly devoid of conscience.

I have to question the patriotism of those who seek only to criticize and seem oblivious to the needs of our people. They seem to have one thing in mind, to direct anyone vulnerable to their way of thinking. These people of doom would like for us to believe that President Obama, after only one year in office, is responsible for all of our nation’s woes.

The poor economic condition of our nation is due, in large part, to greedy corporations outsourcing jobs to other countries to enhance their bottom lines and to the recklessness of the last administration that squandered a healthy budget surplus left by the Clinton administration and billions more by allowing and even encouraging the misuse of capitalism. This misuse is otherwise known as greed.

I would rather pay taxes to improve the infrastructure of our nation and needs of our people than donate to further enrich purveyors of greed.

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