South DaCola

A strange and misleading endorsement of Sweet Vernon ‘The Velvet Hammer’ Brown

While I still think it is gigantic pile of dog doo-doo that we are subsidizing the Feds by paying to raise the levees, I think this letter writer is incredibly misguided;

Brown knew the costs to raise the levees would need to be paid through the selling of revenue bonds.

First off, no that is not the best way to pay for the levees. The Feds regulate the levees (FEMA) and the levees (should) be maintained by the Feds (The Corp of Engineers) they are ultimately responsible for the cost, not the taxpayers of Sioux Falls. As councilor Litz said to me in an email, the Feds kind of had them between a rock and a hard place on this one.

The only “no” vote against the bonds was cast by City Council Member Pat Costello.

And, correct me if I am wrong, but I think all eight councilors voted for the bond? They really had no choice. I know that the Gargoyle Leader’s staff probably doesn’t have the time to FACT check every letter, but this one is questionable. Of course this is the same newspaper that just lets it’s editors print whatever campaign financial numbers they want to pull out of the sky.

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