Another brilliant idea by Detroit Lewis? Probably not.

I have been considering changing South DaCola for awhile to just focus on Sioux Falls, events, arts, music, politics, etc. What do you think? All politics are local? Right? It wouldn’t happen until after the election, and South DaCola wouldn’t go away, just your beast to play with.

By l3wis

32 thoughts on “Changing South DaCola • Open Discussion”
  1. Ah, no, not on this site. But if you were to post on the ‘new site’ I would require full disclosure. Including a picture of you naked.

  2. l3wis:

    In my opinion, nobody covers local politics better than you. This is where I come to get a feel for the pulse of this city… snarkiness aside.

    Keep up the great work.

  3. I second with Poly43.

    Home Rule tyranny would not get necessary attention were it not for this site.

    Politicians are egotistical b-words. Criticism and snypes brings them back into constitutional democracy.

    This is the new media. The Argus is city propaganda and local TV is corn commercials. They’ll disappear in favor of a venue such as this. You’re on the wave. Refine and see if you can find a way to make this a profitable enterprise.

    Please, some Betty Paige once in awhile when everything seems doom and gloom.

  4. I guess fail to see how that would be any different? Seems like we already have topics on all of those things… and sports too.

  5. PG – It’s OK. You can spell out ‘bastard’ here.

    We’re all adults… well, unless you count CCflyer. He’s almost legal but not quite.

  6. Why not just bring back scrounge as an online magazine? Keep the content local and make sure it has a “scroungy” feel to it.

    Hell, you could even make it an app. on those iMaxipad thingees.

    AG’s rants are always entertaining, and you could still have the odd Eggbert report. Then maybe some hard news and interviews with local news/noise makers. Have an entertainment section, retaurant reviews… basically all the things the Gargoyle Leader sucks at.

  7. Ok then, Bastards.

    “The Argus is city propaganda and local TV is corn commercials.” Sad, but true.

  8. Bummer.
    We don’t have a TV station that covers the state; they only cover either SF or RC.
    Similarly the dead tree media only covers the big towns.
    Your decision, while it may be right for you and your interest, reduces us all.

  9. Is it just me or does that photo of you looks like some trailer trash ho is holding up a fuck trophy in front of you saying: “How do you like your new baby?”

    and WTF? Alex Chilton dies and not a mention?

    You seem like you have a lot on your mind these days.

  10. Your decision, while it may be right for you and your interest, reduces us all.

    Why the fuck does l3wis have to care about every little berg in the state?

    Why don’t you buy a cheap domain name from godaddy, make a pretty website, and blog about Rutland or Lemmon to your heart’s content?

    Maybe the SD MSM covers Sioux Falls, Rapid City, and occaisionaly Pierre because more shit happens there that’s worth noting and about one out of every three South Dakotans lives in those cities and their suburbs. Soon it will be one out of two who live there.

  11. Soon it will be one out of two who live there.

    SOON? For that to happen we’ll need jobs. Real jobs. Not the part time no bennie kind. See any of that coming along any time SOON?

    Alex Chilton, the early days. Age 16 when this song released. Maybe 18 when this vid was made.

  12. and WTF? Alex Chilton dies and not a mention?

    You seem like you have a lot on your mind these days.

    Give him time. l3wis works in an atmosphere without internet.

  13. is reserved for 5 years with It will be launched once Circuit Court Case #08-2478 has a verdict. It’s meant as a reference and media to protect citizens from city harrassment.

    Citizens must ignore city government because they are not constitutional democracy.

    1. Do not pay any fine, fee, ticket, license, etc.. The city does not allow for appeal, meaning you nor they can appeal into court.
    2. Ignore anything they mail or post, improper service.
    3. If they call a hearing, return a certified letter that your answer will be if they sue. They can’t sue. City actions are judicial review and not appeals.

    There’ll be web links for retailers who don’t charge SD sales tax. City gets revenue from sales. You’re supporting an unconstitutional government representing itself but not citizens.

    There’ll be a list of lawyers who will represent you against the city at minimal fee with no participation on your part.

    There’ll be biographical reference for city councilors and the mayor. Only negative remarks are posted.

    Except for the 7 words, bloggers will not be screened. The site will be owned by a Roger Hunt styled corporation with Cayman Island operations. In other words, suits (especially defamation) will be absorbed. The site will never be closed and have redundant backup in case someone trys.

    Constitutional democracy would work better for the city but (like anything) they need pain to prove it.

  14. Interesting City Fact #24 of 74
    If the city serves you something legal from 9th and Main, it’s not official because it did not come from the city address (a P.O. box).

  15. Criminal charges, traffic (including camera & parking) tickets are not legal because they were not served from the city address.

  16. Thanks Ghost of Dude.. Very true indeed.

    I still don’t understand whats going on. So getting a whole new thing besides Southdacola?

  17. I would like to thank everyone for putting their 2 cents in. I have to be honest, as a hobby, South DaCola has become too much, and I would just prefer to follow Sioux Falls politics and do it in a less snarky way. I have been neglecting my friends and painting (something that I am very passionate about). So after the city election, I will change course. But like I said above, this will still be your beast.

  18. The key is to delegate. When you get a juicy tidbit to blog about, send it to one of your contributors. People know who you are and tell you things, but we contrributors are unknown to the community. We just don’t hear as much about stuff.
    If you became more of an editor in chief and delegated a lot of stuff, this blog wouldn’t take a whole lot of time.

  19. I owned some of a SD magazine similar to ‘Sioux Falls Woman’ you see free on racks here and there. It was called ‘Business Page’. The editor was a tobacco lobbyist. He died of cancer, go figure.

    There’s a major business concept here. A local recognized on-line fee classifieds site is a way to get started. It’d take a Nevada corporation with at least 2 owners. Owners and stockholder employees would live and work at home here. The NV corporation is for city and state to sue or charge. Yes, it’d go bankrupt but assets would be sold for $1 to a new corporation which (also) would go bankrupt, etc.. All real money would be disbursed proportionately to owners/stockholders.

    To get attention; adult advertising like strip clubs, escorts, and legal marijuana outlets.

    Otherwise, the unpropaganda people can’t get from public papers and airwaves. could be a beginning.

    I’ve set up many companies and I’m ready to fly. I think a meeting and jazz pub crawl to get started.

    Ideally, we could keep the city chasing after a paper corporation so they’ll not have time to harrass citizens.

  20. Yes, it’s a Craigslist except focused locally.

    It would do a public service by taking down corrupt politicians and offering methods for dealing with unacceptable bureaucracy.

    Craigslist grew from a $100 investment to a 50 million dollar corporation in less than 5 years.

  21. Semi-annual company paid meetings in Las Vegas? Weekly nude house cleaning services? Free coffee?

    What’s it gonna take?

  22. “Semi-annual company paid meetings in Las Vegas? Weekly nude house cleaning services? Free coffee?”

    I like to drink Vodka tonics when I’m looking at nudey girls, not coffee.

  23. Ok, Vodka tonics. For me, Mojitos.

    Here’s the city killer.

    We invoice contract services to the Nevada Corporation and escape tax on services.

    The city attorney’s office must double it’s budget to sue an out of state corporation. Nevada attorneys are well versed in obstruction. It takes 5 years to get into court and 3 years discovery for compensation. A corporation can take bankruptcy and sell itself off for $1 every 6 years. It’s an endless cycle. We could keep Tornow on a plane every week so he’ll be incapable of harrassing citizens.

  24. I hope Tornow runs for office again. Those signs with the ‘O’s are perfect for me to sight in my deer rifle.

  25. Dear bellow floggers:

    If this site alters direction like when Granny rips one after devouring 7 boiled Senior Weeners, does this mean you MJ-smoking liberal hippies will just leave the rest of us true South Dakotan – “just wanting to live like simple, comfy/cozy sheep” – folks alone? If so, by all means, then please change your evil ways on this flog site. No cussing, no swearing, no bad words, and NO critical disagreeable-like comments about our beloved homeland security rule conservatory leadership in the local, national, OK-Land viewing area, international, regional, underground, state, and outerspace news. The next chosen path by this site should be in the direction of unicorns and REAL fairies (NOT the gay types like a few of the mayoral and councilmen/lesbo women candidates).

    Irregardless and infrared-like, you will make the RIGHT choice and I give you my sincere “Your welcome” for offering my keen insight when I bog on this site.


    EggBert & Family wanting Mr. Bender Muffler busted up into little pieces so we can use its body parts for more downtown flower planters.

  26. There is clearly a way to tie Mr. Bendo into the healthcare debate.

    You can either make a comment about his Medicare paying for his broken leg, or if you are anti-healthcare reform you could make a comment that the mini-van was actually just being used to “reset” his broken leg when it was found to not be healing properly.

    How about just a concern from Mrs. Bendo wondering if their insurance covers fiberglass repair?

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