Here’s your chance to hammer the mayoral candidates, of course the Gargoyle Leader will probably edit your questions (like they did when I tried to question John Thune about healthcare reform) but let’s give it our best shot;

Two candidates for Sioux Falls mayor – Vernon Brown and Janoct Adja – will answer questions from readers and the Argus Leader Editorial Board in separate sessions Wednesday at 11 a.m. and 3 p.m., respectively.

Let’s see if Janoct shows up. The other night while I was working he came into the bar at the restaurant I work at and I asked him why he wasn’t out campaigning, and the mostly whitebread bar all shut up and stared at him, and the bartender said, “Campaigning?” and I said “Yeah, Janoct is running for mayor.” You could have heard a pin drop. I love how people are sooooo shocked that we have the ‘Black Man’ living in our community. Give them Hell Janoct!

5 Thoughts on “Fun times

  1. Plaintiff Guy on March 10, 2010 at 9:17 am said:

    If Janoct Adja comes out vowing to repeal Home Rule-Corrupt Mayor, he’s got my vote and my thousand. Present city leadership sucks from the community using their positions for self-service.

    An african american, hispanic, asian, or native american mayor would restore constitutional democracy and reinitiate public service. In the midwest, the majority of the population has hatred for Italian ancestry (Costello). They have criminal history abusing other races, especially irish and anglo. In the periods of early New York and later Chicago irish/anglo had to form gangs to protect their familys from Italian mobs.

    I’ll not consider any candidate who now serves on the council. They chose to support a totalitarian dictator and lied when they swore to protect and defend the constitution.

  2. Angry Guy on March 10, 2010 at 9:48 am said:

    Janoct’s running reminds me a little of Eddie Murphy’s take on Jesse Jackson running for POTUS.
    He Fucking Won?

  3. l3wis on March 10, 2010 at 1:55 pm said:

    I had to laugh when Brown was asked about not raising money, he said it proves he is ‘Fiscally responsible’ and can manage money well. Hypocrite. He spearheaded the effort for the city to buy the zoo and build new monkey crappers, he voted for water and sewer fee increases, he voted to raise the 2nd penny, he voted for the 3rd penny EC tax, he is constantly harping that the city spends more on quality of life projects (he talked about a new ice rink, even thought the hockey association is already pursuing that on their own) Fiscal conservative my ass.

  4. redhatterb on March 10, 2010 at 6:39 pm said:

    The comment about midwesterners hating Italians reminds me of several years ago when one of my young cousins and her husband were murdered in their beds up in Montana. Her husband had and Italian last name and my elderly Dad was positive it was a “mob” murder because the husband was Italian. We couldn’t convince him otherwise. Even after the murderer was caught and sentenced.

  5. l3wis on March 10, 2010 at 9:54 pm said:

    “I’ll make you an offer you can’t resist.”

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