By l3wis

16 thoughts on “Get your ‘Janoct for Mayor’ sign on!”
  1. Did his mother name him that because she was pregnant from JANuary until OCTober?

    Just curious.

    By the way Pheno… acronym != anagram.

    An acronym of Janoct might be “Justice And Nobility Overcome Cynicism and Tyranny” (PG would probably like that one).

  2. Costner, your wit is working.

    Normally, african americans are named after something they can’t afford like ‘Lexus’ or ‘Mercedes’. Janoct is something none of us can have because nobody knows what it is.

    At least there’s one candidate there’s no reason not to like.

  3. Give the guy a break, he can dance better than any of you, play the harp and carry a tune. He’s a snappy dresser and his mom is a sweetheart.

  4. Shit . . . don’t be stuck on stupid! You are talking about the first Hobo King of the World.

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