March 2010

You would think that someone who has been a politician for 32 years would get it? But I guess not.

Once again, Munson does what he does best, blames the ‘negative’ people for his problems;

Politics really bothered me deeply because I believe so strongly in the city of Sioux Falls.  I think Sioux Falls is so fortunate because we’ve got a very positive group of citizens out here who work hard every day and it really bothers me,” Munson said.

First off, as a politician, everything you do is ‘Politics’ secondly, you clearly broke campaign finance laws, and the only reason you got away with it is because you played ‘politics’ by playing bait-and-switch with the other councilors and citizens of Sioux Falls. You said you were going to not run for a second term (because you were clearly busted) but once again, you didn’t keep your word.

Another Republican busted in the act of socialist hypocrisy

Yeah, but, but, Steffy’s dad took money to

I saw this yesterday and got a good chuckle out of it;

State Rep. Kristi Noem, R-Castlewood, is a partner in the Racota Valley Ranch, which received more than $2.7 million in subsidies between 1995 and 2006, according to figures compiled by the Environmental Working Group, a nonprofit organization that compiles farm subsidy data. As of 2006, Noem had a 16.9 percent ownership stake in Racota Valley.

Even if you do the rough math, that is about $41,000 a year, directly to Kristi. Some South Dakotans don’t even make that in a year and she was getting a check from the Feds.

Isn’t it ironic everytime Repblicans like Noem wanna get a dig in on Dems, they use the word ‘socialist’. Next time you wanna go down that road, Kristi, take a good hard look in the freaking mirror.