South DaCola

SHOCKED! Sculpture Walk finally admits to taxpayer contributions

Yesterday at the SF City council informational meeting, SF Sculpture Walk dictator, Jim Clark, admitted that the city (taxpayers) give $25,000 yearly to SW (of course after Staggers asked him the question). And just out of curiosity I went to their website to see if that claim was repeated, and it was;

WOW! While Mr. Clark and I don’t see eye to eye, I am glad to see he is coming around. I have often said, give credit where credit is due, and it seems he finally gets it, kinda. Public art is just that, public. And when you shut out the public (after digging in their wallets) you are not encouraging people to give to the arts, it only makes them suspect, that is why public art has gotten such a bad rap. Tell the public what their money is being spent on, and they will support it, keep them in the dark, and they will not.

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