South DaCola

So will the Gargoyle Leader endorse Bill Peterson for Mayor? Probably.

What the Hoover Commission looks like . . . if they had bad haircuts.

After watching their softball interview, I got the feeling that they want him to be mayor. They are soo predictable. I loved it when Bill Peterson bragged about being a history buff and said he would implement his own ‘Hoover Commission’ (just one day after PHD history professor Dr. Kermit Staggers proposed it to the same ED Board). They joked about it, and asked who’s idea it was first. Bill blabbered about something in an attempt to be funny, but you could tell he was caught off guard and not too happy Kermit trumped his ass.

Eat dat! Sucka!

I am begging the AL to endorse Bill. PLEASE! THE KISS OF DEATH – THE ARGUS LEADER ENDORSEMENT. He will be in a battle royal with Vernon for 4th place.

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