South DaCola

South DaCola Music Club w/ Dick Dale

I had the pleasure of seeing Dale perform three times. What amazes me the most about him, that even in his 60’s he performs at an amazingly higher level then most musicians and secondly he is incredibly approachable. When he played the Tavern Cavern (formerly Suite E and Nitwits) after the show he was signing girls boobs with a sharpie. He also signed the dash of Rocco’s 1970 Coronet RT.

One of the most memorable concerts was when he was playing Knights of Columbus Hall and his grandson was apparently his roadie (poor kid) and Dale’s (very old) amp was backfeeding like crazy, so while he is playing a hot lick, he is nodding at his grandson to fix it, mind you, Dale is a pretty big guy, and he wears cowboy boots. As his grandson is bent over trying to fix the amp, Dale is yelling at him, finally he just gets fed up, (literally) kicks his grandson in the ass, walks over to the amp, turns a knob about a half an inch and it is fixed. I have never laughed so hard in my life.


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