Once again, I found myself going South (Sioux City this time) to see one of my favorite bands. The Supersuckers played The Chesterfield last night in SUX.

But they didn’t play my favorite song;


By l3wis

25 thoughts on “South DaCola Music club w/ The Supersuckers”
  1. There was a lot of hottie tattooed Betties there to. It was kind of a last minute thing.

  2. It super rocked! And since the opening bands were very lame, we had to get a couple of slices of Pizza at Buffalo Alices.

  3. Fish Tacos I assume.

    BTW…am I off base or is the referee chick giving you an impromtu prostate exam?

  4. Yeah, what’s going on back there. The grimace on l3wis’ face tells quite a story.

  5. I don’t know if they would have let you in Scott as there was an over-the-limit amount of men whose heads stood shorter than scott.

  6. There was a very short guy, and I said to Rocco, “Look, someone shorter then me.” And Rocco said, “Yeah, and you are thinner.” I was gonna ask if I could take a picture with him to prove to others there are people shorter then I.

    Better be careful, the Referee is Rocco’s wife, and he’ll kick your ass.

  7. I don’t think that the 140 supersucker fans from sioux falls, minus the 82 that were to lazy to go out on a wednesday night would have filled the event center, let alone my basement.
    Until the residents of our fine city stop with their cruddy apathy to support live music, we will be hard pressed to even get more interesting preformers.

  8. L3wis:

    “Better be careful, the Referee is Rocco’s wife, and he’ll kick your ass.”

    Let me get this strait, she grabs your ass and I get mine kicked because of it?

    BTW pretty sure that was the other Sy who made that comment.


    “Until the residents of our fine city stop with their cruddy apathy to support live music, we will be hard pressed to even get more interesting preformers.”

    Well, we are taking baby steps. New club opening up soon. The Dueces casino/Wiley’s guys are taking over the rest of the old Coconut Joe’s and are setting it up for dance/live music. Capacity will be about 600 so that should make another option for mid range shows. They got Tantric for cheap to come in on Monday to play Wiley’s so they want to build off of that.

    Also, if you think you can make a go of it, I believe Club David is up for sale:


    Listing agent is named Darrell Seeman, go figure. Might be a hard nut to crack, but if you go balls deep and make it a full blown hot spot, you might not take it in the ass too badly. Although dealing with Seeman might be a little tough to swallow.

  9. If those Dueces casino/Wiley’s guys are taking over the old Coconut Joe’s and are set it up for dance/live music they had better invest in some MAJOR changes to make that place VIABLE as a music venue. It is a lager metal pole barn that SUCKS for live music (and we can’t just blame the sound guy).
    The infamous BottleRocket show was in that dump and being a HUGE fan, I was embarressed for the boys from Festus, Missouri.

    And btw sy, I might just have Rocco kick your ass, just becuz….

  10. hos:

    “And btw sy, I might just have Rocco kick your ass, just becuz….”

    Fine, but I’ll have to send my wife over to kick yours as a return favor. Being the gentleman I am, we’ll set some ground rules: like you both need to be in bikinis and fully lubed. Also, no getting mad at Rocco and/or me if either one pitches a tent. Loser buys the first round at the new club’s grand opening.

    and are you certain you have the right place? The old Coco Joes is built out of concrete block. Either way, yes they are spending some $$$ to improve the acoustics.

  11. The Bottle Rockets show at Coconut Joe’s was the most embarrassing night I’ve spent in this town (and that’s saying something). Trying to appeal to two different types of crowds in one facility never works. Whoever mixed the Bottle Rockets clearly had no business having that gig, and then having a “DJ” play them out with a disco version of “Sweet Home Alabama” was cringe-inducing. Instead of continuing to entertain the people who had spent money on the band, the bar jumped back into their godawful top 40 garbage. I couldn’t get out of there fast enough.

  12. “Listing agent is named Darrell Seeman, go figure. Might be a hard nut to crack, but if you go balls deep and make it a full blown hot spot, you might not take it in the ass too badly. Although dealing with Seeman might be a little tough to swallow.”

    Sy – You are a Poet, and didn’t know it. BTW, David’s is not a gay bar anymore. That’s Toppers (The old Brass Rail). I actually think David’s has potential, but when you name your bar after a gay icon, then tell your clientele to get the fuck out, what are you left with? I wish I had the money, I would buy the place and make it the coolest bar in town.

  13. With three levels you could make the first floor a live music club, the second a dance club and the third an eatery. I think the floorplan in that place is awesome.

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