Don’t let King Dave and the rubberstamp council fool yah, it takes more then one snowstorm and one rainstorm to turn our streets into a battleground;

“Potholes aren’t that serious. We just had a bad winter. That’s all.” I recently heard that comment on the evening news. Well, I think the potholes are serious. In fact, the streets in Sioux Falls are horrible. And they have been that way for years.

I have been saying that for years, while our street infrastructure has been crumbling for years, Munson and the city council have been spending our 2nd penny, which should be allocated for streets instead of things we don’t need, like monkey crappers. But now they are all of sudden ‘Fiscal Conservatives’ that are gonna fix our streets. Give me a fucking break. It’s kinda like diagnosing Cancer too late, there is no ‘Catch Up.’

These poor road conditions weighed heavily on my decision to move. I was born and raised in South Dakota and lived, worked and spent my paychecks here for the past 15 years. But no more. I see where the city’s priorities are. The money that went to beautify Falls Park and downtown should have gone to fixing the roads.

I have had enough. I hate driving here, but I am going to enjoy driving away from here.

Can I hitch a ride? My front end went out on my car.

20 Thoughts on “Why are streets bad in Sioux Falls? Because Munson and the City council squandered our 2nd penny on stuff we didn’t need instead of the roads

  1. Poly43 on March 11, 2010 at 7:12 am said:

    I have been saying that for years, while our street infrastructure has been crumbling for years, Munson and the city council have been spending our 2nd penny, which should be allocated for streets instead of things we don’t need, like monkey crappers. But now they are all of sudden ‘Fiscal Conservatives’ that are gonna fix our streets. Give me a fucking break. It’s kinda like diagnosing Cancer too late, there is no ‘Catch Up.’

    I’m feelin kind of lazy today l3wis. Where can I find some hard numbers on what has happened to our second penny? I’ve watched informational meetings before, but everything seems to be shell game where while I got my eye on the shells, somebody is telling me about quality of life projects.

    BTW. Have you ever googled “monkey crappers”?

  2. l3wis on March 11, 2010 at 7:39 am said:

    Just listen to the councilors and mayor. They have ‘bragged’ that 70% of the money went to streets. Where did the other 30% go. Looks like a banana turd to me.

  3. Plaintiff Guy on March 11, 2010 at 9:07 am said:

    In a totalitarian dictatorship, the other 30% goes into the kings pocket or is used to campaign for his successor stepson (Costello).

    Potholes are not the councils’ responsibility. They have no power. All of the responsibility for mismanagement and misappropriations goes to Mumbling Munson.

    Potholes are just another events center political topic to redirect blame away from Munson. His 8 year criminal enterprise has destroyed a fine midwest city once listed as best place for life and business in Money and Forbes.

    I’m tired too. My business is growing. I’m a vendor for Alltel and others but have added Verizon and ARIA (the new AT&T/Sprint/Nextel). I’ll have 3 to 5 employees by July and 15 by the end of the year. I’ll have office space in the old Gateway area of North Sioux City and move to ‘The Dunes’. I’ll remain a SD citizen for the constitutional class going into state court. New employees are required to live withing 50 miles of the office and shop in Sioux City. I must shield them from Sioux Falls taxes and dictatorship. Yet another business enterprise relocating or reestablished outside from Home Rule-Corrupt Mayor.

  4. Costner on March 11, 2010 at 9:42 am said:

    PG: New employees are required to live withing 50 miles of the office and shop in Sioux City.

    You are dictating where your employees shop? Sounds like a real fun place to work… good luck with that.

  5. Plaintiff Guy on March 11, 2010 at 10:07 am said:

    You’re right. I think I’ll call it ‘limited commute office access requirement’ and ‘non-taxable bonus barter gift certificates’ amounting to 1/3 of salary but good at Sioux City merchants only.

  6. PG do it with Credit cards. That way you can review all charges and skim 3-5% off of the top!

  7. Plaintiff Guy:

    “I’ll have 3 to 5 employees by July and 15 by the end of the year.”

    Make sure you pay them at least $30 an hour whether they are worth it or not. And don’t be a heartles prick and pass those expenses on to your customers. Otherwise you are simply part of the problem in the eyes of most in here, including our most magnanimous and shiny calfed host.

    Good luck, you must like having a target on your back.

  8. Plaintiff Guy on March 11, 2010 at 4:15 pm said:

    I’m a combat vet. Went into Cambodia with special forces and mercenaries. Can’t wait for the code enforcer to come around so we can have a good old fashioned fire fight.

    Citizens will not stand up to the dictatorship. Jobs are leaving and the city is wringing revenue from citizens with bouncers. I know to move before real estate values plummet. I’ll still be here but 60 miles away from the Gestapo while litigation continues into state court. Eventually, the US Government will come in and hunt down Sadam.

  9. Poly43 on March 11, 2010 at 4:20 pm said:

    Make sure you pay them at least $30 an hour whether they are worth it or not. And don’t be a heartles prick and pass those expenses on to your customers. Otherwise you are simply part of the problem in the eyes of most in here, including our most magnanimous and shiny calfed host.

    On the other hand, employers can pay $9.00 an hour with ZERO bennies, while they eat out at Foley’s once a week and jet set across the hemisphere 12 weeks a year. Meanwhile, that $9.00 an hour employee treats his family to a $1.00 McValue burger. Remember Sy, that door swings both ways.

  10. PG:

    “Can’t wait for the code enforcer to come around so we can have a good old fashioned fire fight.”

    Before you go can I get an autographed 8×10 glossy? Or perhaps a signed manifesto? I’ve got the perfect spot on my mantle right between Bernie Goetz and Tim McVeigh.

    Like Buffet I’ve been diversifying into more recession-proof investments these days.

  11. anominous on March 11, 2010 at 9:59 pm said:

    I like how the right lane of the 41st Street bridge is not even closed. You can drive on the re-bar. Fuck everything, folks! It’s coming down anyway!

  12. Isn’t it amazing how Rhinos are sitting in a mult-milliondollar barn, while the rest of us (who pay taxes) are driving on rebar?

  13. Plaintiff Guy on March 12, 2010 at 8:54 am said:


    “Before you go can I get an autographed 8×10 glossy? Or perhaps a signed manifesto? I’ve got the perfect spot on my mantle right between Bernie Goetz and Tim McVeigh.

    Like Buffet I’ve been diversifying into more recession-proof investments these days.”

    The code enforcer drives by my house in his personal truck pointing a pistol at me. I have video. I’m not a terrorist but I will protect my home and family from Gestapo Home Rulers.

    Buy silver american eagles. Keep them in safety deposit boxes out of state. Only the state can legally go after sales tax due. The city has persuaded banks to illegally lock accounts. Silver has gone from 6 to 18 in 24 months. Coins have both metal and collectable value. Silver is essential for batteries, solar, electronics, etc.. Most gold ever mined is jewelry and still circulated. Silver must be replenished. Gold prices will remain stable or wain while silver is expected to hit $25/troy by 2012.

    Just saying.

  14. Costner on March 12, 2010 at 9:09 am said:

    If silver hits $25/troy then I’m selling what I have. I’ve got a bar of silver I’ve had for years and never really knew what to do with it.

    I’m more interested in the code enforcer who is pointing a pistol at you however. If that is true then why haven’t you contacted law enforcement? It is illegal to point a gun at someone for no reason… and this would likely be very interesting to a member of the Argus writing staff as well.

    I would think it would be in your best interests to address this sooner rather than later (and after your favorite Mayor is no longer employed by the city).

  15. Plaintiff Guy on March 12, 2010 at 9:12 am said:

    Oh, silver coins are legal tender. No tax on currency fluctuation (appreciation). It’s the best legal tax break but just in case, sell it off slowly in small quantities.

    Other free advice. Protect your constitutional rights or Munson will have you working 3 jobs making croutons.

  16. l3wis on March 12, 2010 at 9:15 am said:

    “Protect your constitutional rights or Munson will have you working 3 jobs making croutons.”


    PG – Costner is right, if he is pointing a gun at your house, it doesn’t do any good to be talking about it on my lame blog. Did you use the video as evidence in your case, if so, no wonder they are dragging their feet on the verdict.

  17. Plaintiff Guy on March 12, 2010 at 9:40 am said:


    Perhaps you’re not aware you do not live in a democracy. Law enforcement is also the city.

    I made a complaint to city personnel that was intercepted by the assistant city attorney. It’s a matter of public record (Circuit Case #08-2478) the mayor and council are not aware of. City code states employee complaints must be heard with a council hearing. I’ve been waiting for a court decision before I show up on a monday night asking the council for a hearing. It will have to be scheduled for 2 days. I’ll hire a court reporter. There will be 10-12 volunteer harrassed citizen witnesses, most are incapacitated seniors. Bring lots of kleenex.

    Only the mayor can repeal home rule. The council has no authority. However, they can recall the mayor and should start such action if Castillo or Peterson is elected.

    The only other course is a class action seeking Home Rule Charter Revocation. That’s started but will take 4 years to get through State court. Meanwhile, we must all be tattoed with the star of David if we are not city politicians, employees, or principal developers.

  18. Obviously I was being a wise ass, but if that’s the case than by all means follow Costner’s advice.

    You’ve given enough to this Country through your Military service alone that you should never, under any circumstances be put in that kind of position. BTW..thanks for that.

    The code guys are Nazis, I’ve seen it in my field as well. They never forgot the mini-boner they got the first time someone put the orange sash on them to guard the crosswalk. Their wives are fantasizing over guys who actually work for a living and that takes it’s toll over the years.

  19. “Their wives are fantasizing over guys who actually work for a living and that takes it’s toll over the years.”

    LMAO (again)

  20. Plaintiff Guy on March 12, 2010 at 12:44 pm said:

    Thanks Sy, now I want to get to know you. Didn’t think so from some of your comments.

    My business is everywhere but SD. I don’t have to keep my mouth shut to keep a job in Sioux Falls. I’m not a politician and that means I’m honest with concern plus return for/to the community. I am the one who must stand up to mayoral tyrants.

    Leaving 60 miles south is necessary. I need Omaha flight schedules and fares 1.5 hours away. I want to stay in SD for this VA hospital. I’m full classification agent orange (5 heart surgerys, kidney stones, lumps, etc.). This VA is best in the country.

    The city has harrassed me for 4 years in every way possible. I collect citations for breathing. It’s become necessary to move outside the city so I can focus on state court without having to deal with city revenge. I’ll stay in North Sioux through retirement and eventually be buried at I-90 Exit 34 National Cemetary.

    Code enforcer has formally threatened me twice. Once was at the front of a public hearing in front of the hearing examiner (public record). Drive-bys stopped 5 months ago because I’m waiting for a circuit court decision. They’ll resume when I seek a council hearing for him. He has a psychological problem and will totally lose it. My heirs have been clued to settle for 8 figures. You’ll not have an events center but you will have life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

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