12 Thoughts on “Argus Leader & KELO-TV debates

  1. Here’s my call: ironically, Kermit loses by the same percentage that voted down the indoor pool.

    He was quite magnanimous with his credit to Munson, who deserves some.

  2. l3wis on April 22, 2010 at 4:48 am said:

    Yes, I found that interesting.

    While I do think that Mike has a ‘slight’ edge, I think Kermit is gaining, three things Kermit hammered Mike on yesterday in the debates;

    1) Mike has little knowledge of regulation and city budgets, that was obvious when he was trying to blabber his way through the Parks budget cuts and the daycare regulation. My personal advice to Mike when he first started running for office was to watch all the council meetings over the past year or two and take extensive notes, he obviously did not.

    2) Mike flat out lied about why he was giving money to DEMOCRATIC congressional members, and tried really hard to dig himself out of a hole when Patrick was trying to get him to answer the question. That is a big flaw with Mike, answering a question, yes or no.

    3) Kermit hammered him in the KELO debate about partisanship, hard, Huether had no where to hide, and you could tell he was very uncomfortable talking about it, while Kermit was very, very comfortable talking about it, because Kermit was right, he has had wide support from all parties, because he doesn’t play the partisan game, and people notice.

    And in today’s paper, Munson’s attack on Huether’s EC plan may hurt Mike, but maybe not. Kermit and Mike are right on the issue, taxpayers would never approve a sales tax increase to build that place, it is a dead horse and Kermit was the first to be right about the issue and Mike followed suit.

  3. Poly43 on April 22, 2010 at 5:07 am said:

    There are some 94,000 registered voters in
    Sioux Falls. We had a low turnout of about 32,000 wasn’t it? I see another low turnout…huether prevailing 14,000 votes to 13,000 votes. I personally feel if more people understood the predatory nature of huethers previous job as XO for a fee harvesting scam, Kermit would win with the above numbers reversed.

    That being said, I still cling to a hope that Kermit can somehow pull this out.

  4. I will say it again. Mike wins 60 – 40. People want to be led. They will eat a spoon full of shit if they are told it is good for them. People want positive leadership. Like it or not Kermit tells us what we can’t do and Mike tells us what is possible and continues the “dream” of a greater SF. Again my not be true but that is the perception

  5. l3wis on April 22, 2010 at 5:48 am said:

    Mike does beat Kermit on positive ratings. This was actually brought up at the end of the KELO debate, but it does not show up on their online video for some reason. Remember, Vernon and Huether had high ratings in the general but Kermit still won. Why is that? Kermit is very ‘passionate’ and that shows in the debates. I don’t care for his lecturing, but I do understand where he is coming from, and he makes sense. Mike blabs and gives lip service, and yes people like that.

  6. The “Chamber” people I know are really scared about Kermit being elected for 2 reasons. One they know he will expose some sweat heart deals Munson has cut.And 2 they know there is no chance they will be cut in the future with Kermit.

    It will be interesting to see if Rep can vote for a Dem if it is in their best interest.

  7. l3wis on April 22, 2010 at 6:37 am said:

    There is one thing I will give Kermit and Mike credit for, besides the Union money, neither candidate has taken special interest money. Mike did get a small check from Lloyd, but that guy cuts checks to political candidates like they are going out of style. For a guy who complains a bunch that city isn’t helping developers enough, he sure has a lot of money to throw around.

    That being said, I don’t think Special Interests like the Chamber play a big part in the runoff. There are a ton of small business people who support both candidates.

  8. l3wis on April 22, 2010 at 9:15 am said:

    BTW, Kermit has told me he received $0 and Zero support from the National, State or County Republican party and intends to keep it that way. Which is refreshing. He has said that the Republican and Democratic grassroots support has been big. I actually know a lot of grassroots democrats supporting Kermit.

  9. Daizi46 on April 22, 2010 at 11:04 am said:

    Interesting that the Republican party on ANY level isn’t willing to get behind Kermit…

  10. sidestreets on April 22, 2010 at 11:26 am said:

    Daizi46 – That’s because the true liberty minded abandond the two party system. Kermit’s support isn’t centered around collective or group think. And if you want to call that Mayberry, that’s fine with me.

  11. L3wis, so that recent Staggers line that went something like:

    “Mike’s decided to use Democratic resources and that means we have to consider using Republican resources” was what, exactly?

    Sorry, but if Kermit is making empty politcal threats that really doesn’t help him in any way.

  12. l3wis on April 22, 2010 at 1:58 pm said:

    Grassroots Republicans. And he has a lot of them out there campaigning for him. Trust that.

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