Here’s Stormland TV‘s VeRNONsion.

Here is the Gargoyle Leader’s version.

This one is worth watching, merely for the Janoct and Kermit moments. Kermit slams Mike on a couple of instances and Janoct, well Janoct, is just plain hilarious – right down to his sudden bathroom break.

By l3wis

21 thoughts on “Basically the last two SF mayoral debates (before the runoff) • THANK GAWD!”
  1. I think it if funny how Huether was trying to paint Kermit as the ‘Dissenter’. While this is true, I don’t know how that is a negative thing. While Kermit may be a loan dissenter on the council, in the eyes of many citizens he is their dissenting voice. I often ask people the same question when they try to put down diseenters, “What if Ben Franklin didn’t dissent the King?”

  2. I only caught the Argus bit right now, but I’d say Kermit got some good points and Janoct really proved he has no clue, turn a 100k job into 4 new jobs?! Yeah, more low paying overworked jobs, thanks. I am puzzled by his mentioning of a black film festival, seems rather unimportant as well as exclusionary to everyone else….

  3. James-

    Your first mistake is taking Janoct seriously. I would love to write the ‘Janoct’ files. I met him when he first moved to town 14 years ago, outside of Jamz playing his blues harp. I love him for bringing up things other people don’t.

  4. I wish we had one “real” media outlet in town that would call Vernon out on his bullshit EC anecdotes. Too bad they’re just all cheerleaders for him.

  5. Watched it all. Jacnot’s views on patching potholes I thought was very interesting. I’ve seen them doing this, and for the life of me can’t figure out their methodology. After our last rain, you can already see the potholes just supposedly fixed are already coming apart. I think they may have paniced in view of public outcry and decided to do something, even though that something would never hold up.

    And huether? He knows where his major competion is in this thing. That’s why the constant reminder of the DISSENTER.

    i got the biggest charge out of the question of “Who would you vote for if you are not in the runoff election?”

    brown, huether and costello ALL said peterson. Well duh. Peterson does not have a snowballs chance in hell of being in the runoff. Naturally these clowns are going to choose someone who will not be in the runoff.

    One other thing. The topic of snowgates was brought up. I would guess 1 in 200 Sioux Falls residents have no clue what the hell it is. Thank you argus….kelo.

  6. I liked the Huether Brown scuffle. Brown is higher in the polls than Huether so this was Huether’s chance to go after him. Paraphrased, Huether told Brown he had no business acumen and to go back to selling cell phones. I favor neither but that was good.

    KELO (last night) seemed to favor certain bloggers to the point I wonder if they were’nt planted. I sent 4, none were posted.

    Keywords to not get posted on KELO blogs:
    Home Rule
    Strong Mayor
    Due Process
    Code Enforcement
    Camera Tickets

  7. This rigged election has to be over soon. It’s entertaining because it’s between Final 4 and Baseball season. Face it, there will be another 4 years of persecution under either Castillo or Peterson. It’s bought and paid for.

    Let’s just get back to making croutons. Hopefully, Castillo will get tired of caviar and raise some higher than minimum wage. Shoot, maybe Obama will get us health care before we die from our pre-existing conditions.

  8. Whether he is serious or not, Janoct comes across as an idiot. He isn’t a visionary, he has a very distorted view of the purpose of government, and he doesn’t grasp or take time to learn basic facts and figures that pertain to the job he is seeking.

    If he has no true desire to hold the job, then he shouldn’t be running. He reminds me a lot of Darrel Vierick in that he is using the Mayor’s race as a way to preach his personal politics to the masses. Get over yourself and let the real candidates discuss real issues.

  9. At the very least, his participation sometimes forces the other 5 to go off script a bit. The only worthwhile part of last night’s KELO stroke-off was Janoct’s answer to the “who would you vote for” softball – none of them.

  10. Janoct is good here. He’ll attract minority and narrow minded voters such that the elected mayor should be an intellegent choice. What’s dangerous is Peterson can still back out and steer his votes into Brown.

  11. The most disgusting part of the KELO debate was their 6 pm newscast, where they patted themselves on the back before it even happened because it would make a difference with the 32% undecided voters.

  12. Becuz it was the last major debate, they did that last time.

    I noticed the water bottles to. Bet it tastes like a T-storm in July.

    South DaCola should have the final debate at Tommy Jacks, Monday night.

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