South DaCola

Has KELO-TV turned into a propaganda wing for Vernon Brown also?

It seems not only does the Gargoyle Leader have to put Staggers down, Stormland-TV news cannot resist either. At their six-o-clock news it was clear that Kermit had won their poll, but instead of presenting those results they showed Vernon as having the top favorable rating;

Not only is this misleading, it borders on deception and libel. Doesn’t matter if you like Oklahoma State or Nebraska, it only matters who wins. Kermit won the poll, the poll you paid for. I like Santa Claus, doesn’t mean I would elect him to mayor.

This election is about qualifications, something your editors, news directors, camera men, photographers, journalists and probably janitors lack. You are pathetic source of news and you wonder why day in and day out people tune out the news? Because you try to influence instead of inform. In these last 12 days, I beg you to report the news, as is. In fact, I challenge you, because it seems you struggle with it.

As a blogger, it is MY job to influence, not inform. But it seems now days I’m the one that has to put the truth out there. How sad coming from a guy who does it in his underware while listening to his I-Pod.

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