UPDATED (The actual photo of the DC resident’s car in the BACK parking lot of Huether’s headquarters.)

These plates might be a familiar site around Huether rallies

Someone just informed me that they have noticed a car with DC plates that mysteriously has been following the Huether campaign 🙂 I still think it is funny that someone who claims that this race has become ‘too political’ hires an Obama strategist, who apparently now is bringing in backup from DC. All this to beat a college professor who is running his own campaign on less money. Silly.

20 Thoughts on “Is Barry Huether pulling out the big guns?

  1. Ghost of Dude on April 21, 2010 at 8:40 pm said:

    Because Kermit would never bring up party affiliation…

  2. CCFlyer on April 21, 2010 at 9:02 pm said:

    Actually that car is one of the “organizers” for Huether. The owner of that car (who I know) has lived here for over a year and has not gotten her license plate changed yet since the move. She has ties to Sioux Falls and knew Mike before, and just helps with organization of his campaign. She is currently a resident of South Dakota, and has been for over a year.

  3. l3wis on April 21, 2010 at 9:25 pm said:


    So what you are saying is that someone who is breaking car licensing laws in our state is helping Huether out? That is nice.

    I encourage her to abide by state law if she wants to help out with campaigns.

  4. CCFlyer on April 21, 2010 at 9:41 pm said:

    Oh STFU 😉 She hasn’t had the car for a year yet? I guess I don’t really know everything behind it besides the fact she hasn’t had it for all to long.

  5. CCFlyer on April 21, 2010 at 9:43 pm said:

    And by the way, check this out:


    After the election to whoever gets voted in (which honestly I really wouldn’t mind either I guess as long as I get this through) then I will stay more in touch with you through email about this.

  6. Costner on April 22, 2010 at 7:19 am said:

    If she has lived here for over a year she has been breaking the law for over nine months. Anyone moving into the state has 90 days to register their vehicle in state, and if she has lived here for over a year the tags on her car should have been expired long ago.

    That tells us she is still renewing her plates via DC and that brings up some interesting questions. Since DC has an income tax (a very high one in fact) why would someone continue to link themselves with DC knowing it is much more expensive for both taxes and registration fees?

    It seems there is more to the story.


  7. l3wis on April 22, 2010 at 8:00 am said:

    I have a feeling she is just ‘living’ here while helping out Mike, she will be moving back to DC after Tuesday.

  8. l3wis on April 22, 2010 at 9:24 am said:

    I had to chuckle, I just rewatched the KELO debate, and Huether just said in responding to partisanship, (paraphrasing) “People are sick of watching partisanship in DC, now they have to see it here.”

    Yeah, Mike, because by bringing people in from DC you interjected partisanship into the race. Kermit had it right when he responded by saying, “Actions speak louder then words.”

  9. sidestreets on April 22, 2010 at 12:31 pm said:

    Man, I’ll tell you what. Every time I meet Kermit, I like him more and more. The guy is so sharp and he knows such a great deal more than we will ever know.
    People on the fence at who to vote for are really doing themselves a disservice by not taking the time to meet with Kermit.
    Even if he wasn’t running for Mayor, he’s a top notch guy and I look forward to having him as a friend for a long time.

  10. Pingback: Are Washington DC Operatives helping Huether? « Not 'my man' Mike Huether

  11. GrammaSheila on April 23, 2010 at 9:44 pm said:

    I had the privilege of hearing Kermit Staggers speak tonight. He’ll be my next Mayor.

  12. Tim Miller on April 24, 2010 at 8:53 am said:

    wow. I am shocked that you would put a picture of a person’s car up. whoever the person is, they deserve to have their privacy respected. I don’t care if they are/ were ever a resident of Washington, DC. I do care that you are taking what should be a respectful debate about what’s best for our city and making it about the personal lives of individuals who work for the candidates. This innuendo and fear-mongering is pathetic. I hope Staggers has something more than this to contribute.

  13. Helga on April 24, 2010 at 2:53 pm said:

    CCFlyer says:
    April 21st, 2010 at 9:41 pm
    Oh STFU
    I have to agree.gg I HATE DMV’s, they all suck and who wants to go there if they don’t have to.
    Go see who is parking outside Stagger’s place.

  14. Reason on April 24, 2010 at 7:03 pm said:

    Isn’t that parking lot also behind the REPUBLICAN headquarters?

  15. l3wis on April 24, 2010 at 7:24 pm said:

    The only one who knows who that car belongs to is Mike Huether and the DC area DMV. I don’t have access to those records, so I’m not sure how showing a picture of someone’s car and license plate is a big deal.

  16. Helga on April 24, 2010 at 7:41 pm said:

    The car only matters when the other side has nothing so they try to dazzle with bull shit.

  17. l3wis on April 24, 2010 at 7:50 pm said:

    Here’s the deal, and I will just say it, I commend Mike for hiring Hildebrand, Mike admitted himself, he has no political experience so he had to hire someone who did, to get him elected. Smart move, all the way. Hildy is a proven winner, but he has also lost some big ones. I like him, I think he is very smart.

    The problem I have with the association is that Mike doesn’t want to talk about it. It’s kinda like hiring the best plastic surgeon in the country to give you a boob job and when someone asks if they are fake you say ‘No’. If I was Mike, I would have just said (from the beginning) “I hired Steve because he is the best, and BTW, he is a Democrat, and so am I. Oh well.” Why run from his party affiliation? While I have said in the past I left the Democratic party because of their lack of diplomacy, I also left them because they have no backbone. They promised a public option and they pissed it down their legs.

    Buck up. I don’t always agree with Kermit, and I especially disagree with his support of the Tea Party and abortion rights, but he has never tried to mislead me or anyone else.

    People hate the truth, and it may be Kermit’s demise.

    As my neighbor lady said to me the other day, “People vote for the guy that looks the best in a blue blazer.”

  18. Reason on April 24, 2010 at 8:19 pm said:

    It find it particularly troubling that l3wis would take the time to videotape someone’s vehicle simply because it is not from SD. I can’t help but wonder how she/he would feel if someone was videotaping her/his vehicle. What kind of message does that send to people who might be thinking of moving here? If you’re not from SD, we’re gonna be watchin’ ya… We be suspicious of da rest of da country…
    It sounds like cult mentality – promote from within; fear anything from the outside. Its creepy.
    Maybe people should focus more on the issues – the candidates’ views/stances – rather than promoting weird/hysterical conspiracy theories.

  19. l3wis on April 24, 2010 at 9:01 pm said:

    First off, I didn’t videotape this, someone sent me the photo. Secondly, not sure how showing a campaign staffer from DC working for Huether (whose identity has not been revealed or will be revealed on this site) is bad?

    Secondly this shows the difference between Kermit and and Mike. Kermit chose to run a grassroots campaign, Mike chose to hire the big guns, that is all this picture shows.

  20. Costner on April 26, 2010 at 6:45 am said:

    People freak out about the dumbest things – it is a car and a license plate that are shown in public each and every day – nobody has their face shown, nobody has listed the name of the registered owner or driver.

    If someone is offended by a picture of a Honda, then I’d say they either have somethign to hide or they are upset that someone has been paying attention.

    In short… get the hell over it.

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