Munson takes a swipe at Mike Huether in this interview, without mentioning his name. (FF 24:00 minutes) It is interesting.

By l3wis

5 thoughts on “Munson chastises partisanship in one of his final interviews”
  1. The only thing I noticed in that headline is the words “final interview”. I’m so happy our local nightmare is almost over!

  2. And I can’t wait for a new one to begin.

    Think about it. If Mike becomes mayor him and the newly elected Dems and Vernon Brown will steamroll quality life spending like no tomorrow.

    If Staggers becomes mayor, the council will be at constant odds with his policy of fiscal responsibility and his focus on infrastructure.

    Either way, find the citizens once again holding the bag and becoming even more apathetic.

  3. There may never be a ‘final interview’.

    Munson is how Home Rule became dictatorship, how the council lost its power, and how citizens lost constitutional liberty. His bid rigging developers network nearly broke the city and led to tax increases 8 years in a row. He’s why people are not moving in, why infrastructure collapsed, and why neighboring cities prosper.

    His only public service benefit would be as a convicted felon example of how corrupt city government had become.

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