Vote for the man with the Kangol hat.

As the Gargoyle Leader points out today, the runoff will probably give Staggers the edge because of his supporters and the low voter turnout;

An analysis of voting at precincts across the city shows that Staggers won in more polling sites – and he won big in many of them. However, Huether picked up enough voters citywide to come within 49 votes of Staggers to make it into the April 27 runoff.

Staggers did well in central Sioux Falls precincts and also some on the city’s north side. Huether claimed victories in several precincts on the city’s far west side and also in southeastern Sioux Falls.

Staggers is confident that his supporters, whom he described as very intense and very committed, will vote in the runoff.

“I certainly hope people come out and express their views because the city government has such a strong impact on all of us here,” he said.

Trust me though, Kermit IS NOT A SHOE-IN

Some things he will have to accomplish to get an edge on Mike;

1. Make sure his supporters show up on runoff day (this will be an easy one).

2. At least get the endorsement of two if not all three of his past opponents. I don’t think it will be a stretch to get Peterson’s and Costello’s endorsement, but even if he does not, I think real conservatives who voted for them, will vote for Kermit. I just don’t see a lot of conservative Republicans casting their votes for Huether (a Hildebrand Democrat). I also see an opportunity with some of Vernon’s supporters. It is no secret that Vernon is a registered Indy but he leans towards the left when it comes to city spending. I think Kermit will be able to pick up some support from Vernon in the senior citizen department. To tell you the truth, I will be surprised if Vernon endorses either candidate. He seemed to be rather miffed at Mike for the Events Center ad. I think Vernon knew all along the he couldn’t beat Kermit in the general and Mike was his main opposition.

3. A low voter turnout by Huether supporters will also boost Kermit. While I have no doubt that Huether has passionate supporters, I don’t think a lot of his supporters are as entrenched as Kermit’s are. I call Huether supporters ‘Obama-like’ who were caught up in the moment. Kermit supporters have supported him for years and don’t get all wrapped up in that Hopey-Changey stuff. We’ll see if Huether can keep them energized for another two-weeks.

4. Kermit must hammer Mike about his association with the Democratic party, unions and Hildebrand.

5. Kermit needs to ask direct questions of Mike about what he really did at First Premier Bankcard. I have yet to hear directly from the horse’s mouth about his role in fee-harvesting that resulted in the Feds making the practice illegal.

6. Kermit must make some calls. While I deplore robo-calling, there is no doubt in my mind it put Mike and Erpenbach over the top.

7. Kermit needs to keep wearing Kangol hats but ditch the tan suit.

17 Thoughts on “Sioux Falls mayoral runoff dilemma

  1. l3wis on April 15, 2010 at 5:38 am said:

    I told someone yesterday, “Do you want Kermit implementing his own ideas, or do you want Mike implementing Kermit’s ideas?”

  2. Here’s what either candidate needs to do if they want to reach the bulk of Brown’s, Costello’s and/or Peterson’s core supporters:


    Say what you want (and you most certainly have) about Munson’s tenure, but Munson had a vision for the future of Sioux Falls and wasn’t afraid to share it. People like that. Moreover, he could articulate it and fit whatever he was talking about (Events Center, Phillips to the Falls etc.) into his vision for the future.

    Kermit has a tendancy to address everyone like he does his classroom. His high negatives are directly related to his style and no one is holding their breath that he will change that up. Huether simply comes off better and more likable, even if it’s proven he’s an empty suit with seedy political connections.

    Again, I think Huether’s getting his Hildebrand money’s worth on how he took out Brown & Costello on their Events Center plan. No reason why he would change that strategy now and it’s easier to hit Kermit on his Dr. No Event Center non-plan. As it sits today, that IS the issue of the campaign and the stakes are becoming higher as Lyon County get ready to move dirt for their new Casino.

    Unless Kermit enthusiastically cranks out a new Events Center plan and gets some people to help him sell it he is toast by at least 10 points. He won’t come off well if he takes the easy road goes negative, even though there’s some low hanging fruit there.

  3. Plaintiff Guy on April 15, 2010 at 8:13 am said:

    I like the hat but I could be the exception. It presents a tranquil gentlemanly image. There’s a lot of tension. A calm approach to fixing Munson Mess can make things happen smoother.

    I suspected Costello was the developer’s candidate. I now wonder if Huether was not the choice or at least the shoe-in. There’s mystery money behind him. Staggers is accounted for. Huether was a fee harvester in business and could continue as such with the city. Business speaks money. The city shouldn’t but has with Munson. We don’t need another bid-rigging fee harvester king running the city. The people have paid enough bonuses to a few politicians and godfathers. It’s time for a ‘citizen’s stock market’ with return on investment in the form of infrastructure and no new taxes.

  4. Question for Plantiff Guy and/or L3wis:

    How does Kermit feel about your lawsuit against the City over Home Rule?

    Does he think you have a legitimate case or does he think you are just exploiting a minor code issue that was handled poorly by a couple City employees in an effort to cash in?

  5. Plaintiff Guy on April 15, 2010 at 8:31 am said:

    Sy, some very good points.

    What if there’s no money in the til and revenue declines (economy). There’s things that haven’t happened here yet (foreclosures, sales tax decline) that will. An events center is a plan for say 2012 but realistically 2020. Making and keeping the city bond rating high is important for future funding. It’s time to build from the base with more jobs and quality of life. Here’s where Munson failed. The new casino could have been here but they’d not pay off the king and nobles. Jobs are leaving because there’s no active method for attracting them. People are moving out because property taxes are that much cheaper in surrounding cities; cities that are becoming suburbs. Yes, Sioux Falls is growing but just like any other city. There’s corruption and decline in the core while outside suburbs flourish.

  6. scott on April 15, 2010 at 8:32 am said:

    can someone tell me what heuthers events center plan is? and more than just “compromise and leadership” please.

  7. ‘the parish authorities magnanimously and humanely resolved, that Oliver should be ‘farmed,’ or, in other words, that he should be despatched to a branch-workhouse some three miles off, where twenty or thirty other juvenile offenders against the poor-laws rolled about the floor all day, without the inconvenience of too much food, or too much clothing, under the parental superintendence of an elderly female who received the culprits at and for the consideration of sevenpence-halfpenny per small head per week.’ Oliver Twist

  8. “The houses on either side were high and large, but very old; and tenanted by people of the poorest class. […] A great many of the tenements […] which had become insecure from age and decay, were prevented from falling into the street by huge beams of wood which were reared against the tottering walls, and firmly planted in the road; but even these crazy dens seemed to have been selected as the nightly haunts of some houseless wretches, for many of the rough boards which supplied the place of door and window, were wrenched from their positions to afford an aperture wide enough for the passage of a human body. The kennel was stagnant and filthy; the very rats that here and there lay putrefying in its rottenness, were hideous with famine.” Oliver Twist (5.60)

  9. Angry Guy on April 15, 2010 at 8:48 am said:

    Finally, someone that sounds crazier than PG.

    Thanks Adam!

  10. Not a problem! Just trying to do my bit… and showcase Mr. Staggers lack of compassion for the less fortunate members of our community..

  11. Plaintiff Guy on April 15, 2010 at 8:56 am said:


    Can’t speak to that, decision pending. Its been 6 months.

    Perhaps l3wis has something to say.

    Suit has nothing to do with a driveway. You should read it. It asks the court to return the city to civil procedures guarranteed to citizens by state and federal constituions. Had it been about a $300 piece of concrete, it would have been corrected 5 years ago.

    Another matter, outside from the suit, is that the city employs a person to strong arm citizens. There are concrete pieces up and down my block with RV’s and boats. Guess who gets the once a month harrassment while others are not cited? Once a new mayor is elected, I may finally have my employee complaint heard. It has always been intercepted by the assistant city attorney and somehow disappears. Threats are a matter of court record. I’ll have to go before the council to request an employee hearing. I shall. When someone is assaulted, I and others will be there for him/her singing with testimony and/or depositions. The code enforcer will eventually present major liability. And you thought an events center was expensive.

  12. Plaintiff Guy on April 15, 2010 at 8:58 am said:

    Angry Guy,

    I resign to Adam.

  13. redhatterb on April 15, 2010 at 7:44 pm said:

    I can remember when men wore that type of hat. My great-grandpas wore ones that were very similar, only more a grey color. I don’t like the tan suit either. The majority of the professors that I had when I was in college didn’t seem to have much of an idea on how to dress either. Some were down right sloppy looking, even in suits, but it was just like they had no fashion sense.

  14. It’s called a ‘scully cap’ I love them, others have called it a ‘golf cap’ they are kinda hip, and Kermit always wears them.

  15. Even I have one of those.

  16. Remember – It was Staggers who caught property Tax increases in the Appropriations bills when none of the other city council members had any idea what was going on. I admit Kermit doesn’t convey well the effects of his pholosophy but less gov’t would help all of us trying to compete with the big box stores. This Huether character is downright dangerous. Stagger’s knowledge is sharp and he does have an EAGLE EYE! Thanks Kermit. We won’t ever forgot your help over the years!!

  17. l3wis on April 18, 2010 at 8:20 pm said:

    I try not to tell people, because I know Kermit is a humble person, I truly believe he is a ‘functioning’ intellectual. What do I mean by that? He is very smart, but still can converse with the common Joe, he also has an amazing sense of humor, which helps.

    I don’t think Mike has a sense of humor, in fact I think he is extremely paranoid of anyone who dares to poke him in the eye. If he can’t take it on the campaign trail, how does he plan to take it in the Mayor’s office? He will have a mental breakdown.

    I would prefer a 21 year veteran of public service, who can take the hits, then a glass jaw corporate lackey.

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