15 Thoughts on “Staggers Or Huether

  1. l3wis on April 14, 2010 at 5:28 am said:


    The website looks fine to me.

    But this question is silly, especially with two weeks to go.

    Everytime I think of Kermit, this image pops up in my mind;


  2. Poly43 on April 14, 2010 at 5:36 am said:

    Yeah. I see they fixed it.

  3. Plaintiff Guy on April 14, 2010 at 6:45 am said:

    I was impressed that Kermit accepted results at home. Huether had his media room production. We need a people’s mayor, not a glitzy yuppie banker dropout.

    Prediction: Kermit will win. Voters will follow strong party lines and Huether will step on his tail sometime between now and the runoff.

    It’s going to take strong leadership and lots of correction (return to democracy).

    Kermit must be more agressive. He can do that. It’s just not his character.

    Huether is looking for fanfare. Otherwise, you’re a dissenter and you’ll get more Munson-like secret police.

  4. Angry Guy on April 14, 2010 at 7:32 am said:

    All of the other candidates are going to get behind Huether, and he is going to win by a large margin. Unless Staggers pulls out all the stops and someone drops some serious dirt on Mike, Kermit is doomed.

    Maybe Janoct’s mom should start up her grass roots campaign for Huether.

  5. Anthony on April 14, 2010 at 8:37 am said:

    This is where Kermit’s (relatively) high negative ratings will cause him problems. The people who have a negative opinion didn’t all vote for Mike to start with…but they will now. Combined with endorsements from other candidates (and let’s be real, does anyone think Vernon Brown or Pat Costello would endorse Kermit? And what percentage of Vernon brown and Pat Costello supporters would vote for Kermit? ) Kermit has an uphill battle.

  6. Daizi46 on April 14, 2010 at 8:46 am said:

    First…we don’t live in a po-dunk town anymore..we are a city that is continuing to grow (hopefully). It’s time we STOP thinking like a small town. Putting our heads in the sand will not make things go away. It’s time to step it up..be professional. Hopefully both of the candidates characters will speak for themselves and the mudslinging doesn’t happen…and that would go for the supporters of each candidate also.

  7. Costner on April 14, 2010 at 8:57 am said:

    I agree Kermit has a tough road ahead of him, and I expect him to lose by a 15 to 20%margin.

    I suppose something could change, but lets face it – those supporters of Costello, Petersen, and Brown are probably more likely to support Huether over Staggers, so if those people come out and vote Staggers will have a hard time.

    The simple reality is Huether stole a lot of thunder from Staggers by adopting the same fiscal conservative mantra, and unfortunately we don’t know if Huether will stick to that if elected. We do know Staggers has a proven track record, but those people who want a true fiscally responsibly mayor had a choice between Staggers and Huether – so Staggers won’t be able to monopolize that sect of voters like he could if he was running against Brown or Costello.

    Huether has the distinct advantage of not having a history to use against him, and history is what has painted Staggers in the negative light that is continually parrotted by those that don’t really know the man. On the fip side, like it or not, Huether is seen as a leader due to his time working for First Premeier. I know some people here think working for FP is as bad as being a member of Hitler’s SS, but the truth is the average Sioux Falls resident sees them as just another big financial institution.

    Also, I have never really held Huether’s work experience against him, and I suspect many agree. I fully realize that not everyone agrees with everything their employers do or say, but sometmies they are locked in because they are compensated so well they have a hard time leaving, or they just found themselves in a position or industry that is tough to leave as they may not be able to obtain equal employment elsewhere.

    It is easy for us to say we wouldn’t work for them, but I’m not naive enough to believe many would turn down such an opportunity if it was presented to them. I also don’t hold every employee accountable for the actions of a company, and at the end of the day they were merely offering a legal product to a willing consumer. Like it or not, those are the facts even if they don’t agree with a personal moral code.

    There are much worse industries to have worked for, and much worse companies. Now had he been an exec for AIG or ExxonMobile then I’m not so sure. 🙂

    Frankly – no matter which of them wins we as a city are better off than we are under Munson. Huether is probably a better face for our city, and he likely will be more willing to work with others, but Staggers has proven he has his finger on the pulse of the public and has a proven track record of putting the interests of the many above the wishes of the few.

    There are no losers here – Sioux Falls wins either way.

  8. Angry Guy on April 14, 2010 at 9:11 am said:

    Does anyone else think it’s funny that Peterson’s only victory was over Janoct?

  9. Costner is correct (nice post btw) and I agree that this will become even more interesting as we move forward. None of the others had an immediate endorsement, but you’d have to think they will mostly go for Huether, including the AL. What makes this striking is all of those guys (check me) are Republican and Huether is obviously not.

    Huether’s Events Center plan & ads are what carried him over the top, IMHO. Note that Premier heavyweights like Sanford, Dykehouse or Beacom weren’t in his corner originally, so that tells me that they weren’t too hip on his vision for the Events Center & vice versa. Mike says do a $100 million EC at the Arena site, but don’t upgrade the Convention Center or touch HWF. What he doesn’t get is it’s moronic build on that site and NOT address the existing shortcomings of the Convention Center. Sooner or later we will need to bite the bullet & expand the CC too.

    Kermit’s got a choice to make if he want’s to stay in it. He can either keep harping on an Events Center paid for by private industry, savings, creative financing and offering stock ownership, but I think that mostly comes off as gimmicky and not in any way realistic. If I’m Huether, I hit him all day on that and ask Kermit to show where any succesful Events Center has EVER been done in such a manner.

    Or Kermit can show some flexibility and come up with a new plan, even if it’s someone else’s old plan..ie the original plan at Cherapa.

    One of these guys should show some vision and articulate how an Events Center can postitively shape your City’s overall development & help facilitate transportation improvements like the track relocation, new throughways and State Highway improvements. Also a person can hit on the poll data about how a majority of people want a thriving downtown and the EC would be a huge boost for the area, much bigger than simply rebuilding the existing Arena. Also, our Air service problems are also intertwined with our Convention & Entertainment shortcomings. Fixing one will greatly help solve the other.

  10. While I respect Kermit’s credentials (education, political and cultural experience ECT,) I am worried his potential tenure as this great city’s executive might result in the Sioux Falls regressing to Charles Dickens’ 19th century London (especially in terms of the communities commitment to the sick and needy). Just a thought…

  11. Ghost of Dude on April 14, 2010 at 11:55 am said:

    All of the other candidates are going to get behind Huether, and he is going to win by a large margin. Unless Staggers pulls out all the stops and someone drops some serious dirt on Mike, Kermit is doomed.

    Wait until everyone finds out he’s a democrat.

  12. I was shocked that the AL printed that Hildebrand has been running his campaign. I have a feeling that Peterson and Costello could still endorse Kermit, there is a strong possibility there. Kermit really does have an uphill battle, but he must prove 1) that he does have progressive ideas 2) Mike has stolen many of Kermit’s ideas and just put a smile on them. I will admit that I am happy that Pat, Bill and Vernon are out of the race, the status quo wouldn’t serve any of us. But with such a unexperienced council, we are gonna need someone who understands city government, and that’s not Mike. I am not a fan of ‘Johnny come lately’s’

  13. Plaintiff Guy on April 14, 2010 at 2:10 pm said:

    Angry Guy
    “Does anyone else think it’s funny that Peterson’s only victory was over Janoct?”

    Janoct gets more respect than Peterson. Peterson brought us ‘Home Rule’ that has compromised democracy. There are lots of supporters for Peterson but they reside in communist countries.

    Ghost of Dude “Wait until everyone finds out he’s a democrat.”

    Staggers has party lines in his favor. Also, democrats have adultery issues. There’s probably a Tiger wench or Jesse Tattoed lady coming out soon.

  14. Ghost of Dude on April 14, 2010 at 2:56 pm said:

    About the only way I see anyone endorsing Kermit is if the republicans in the campaign (everyone but Janoct) can’t stomach the idea of endorsing a democrat.
    If I was Kermit, I’d see that every voter knows Mike’s a democrat. I just wouldn’t tell them myself.

  15. l3wis on April 14, 2010 at 8:03 pm said:

    The comments in this thread is interesting;


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